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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. 2 hours ago, CharmCityHokie said:

    It wouldn't surprise me if they already signed several guys and just haven't announced it since the Orioles front office likes to pretend they're the NSA. "That's classified". 

    That, or publicly posting how much of your draft budget you've spent lowers your leverage in negotiations with your unsigned picks, as they know exactly how much money they can demand from you.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    He’s too valuable to our run in 2024. He will be here. I don’t think it’s valued enough that he SH. Adley too. It makes building the lineup that much easier, when you can start with them batting #2/#3 every game. It provides stability over 162. 

    Depends on what we get for him. If the difference between him and Cowser/Hicks/Kjerstad is less than the difference between our worst starter and whatever starting pitcher we can get for him+ I'm moving him. Doesn't matter that he switch hits or hits 25 home runs or whatever.

    Also, he's had like one and a half good seasons and isn't getting younger. For most of his career he was like 0-1 WAR per year.

  3. 5 hours ago, Flash- bd said:

    I do feel like there is a bit of need actually in this pick...when I saw projections with infielders I thought to myself, a CF is really the one thing our system is a little thin in, and will need in the coming years as Mullins gets more expensive and begins to decline. So happy from that standpoint, too, he brings a profile that we're light on in our system. 


    I think it's very likely he was best pick available that happened to align with a need. Several publications had Bradfield going near the back of the top ten, IIRC

  4. 54 minutes ago, btdart20 said:

    This article might have the average 90th percentile EV.  If someone has access and can share, that would add to the conversation.  (For context, I know Yoyo Morales' 90th percentile EV was over 108 MPH, Crews was 109+ MPH, Langford was 110+ MPH).  

    Enough scouts have dinged him for power, but we know EV is something (among many) that Elias/SigBot likes.  They also like the plate discipline and mental approach in various counts (like swinging at pitches they think they can do damage on like we heard in the Mayo batting breakdown).  And the defense up the middle is important to the model (as we see with Mateo still given playing time through his offensive struggles).

    I'm not really sure what to make of all the noise regarding his power.  But I think the upside is definitely there.  And so is the plus defensive floor.  Juan Pierre (one of his comps) had a great career without the plate discipline Bradfield has or the power we hope Bradfield has.  If Bradfield lands at a Pierre-type player, I count that as a success. 

    I was a bit surprised because some of the other hard-hitting SS and 3Bs (and an SP or two) were still on the board.  But Bradfield definitely fell to them and I think that surprised Elias (and why he probably didn't visit Bradfield).  

    Juan Pierre was worth 24 WAR over a 13-year career. I'd take that, or at least the first six years of that.

  5. 2 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

    Is his 90th percentile 102 EV not plus?

    I'm pretty sure that's his 90th percentile, not overall 90th percentile.

    There are also concerns with how that translates to wood, and I also wonder if those are grounders or in the air.

    Maybe, maybe, maybe he has/can get to 50 raw power, but plus seems out of the question. Maybe if they put him on a workout regimen to totally rebuild his body and even then he's just so skinny.

    He's totally fine as a player if he's 40 power.

  6. 3 hours ago, LookinUp said:

    I disagree that this pick is different than the Orioles profile.

    1. Premium position
    2. Plus defense
    3. Good k/bb/swing decisions
    4. Plus raw power.

    I think #4 is what people are discounting. I guarantee you the O's don't think they got Juan Pierre, arm notwithstanding. That 90% percentile EV says he has raw power that's there to be tapped. It certainly looked like it in that batting cage video.

    I think the O's think their player development people can turn that raw power into in-game power. I actually really like the Mullins comp in that regard, but this kid's upside is even higher with defense, stolen bases and especially OBP.

    He'll have to develop, but what better org to give him that opportunity? This isn't the Sid Thrift Orioles player development staff anymore.

    The more I think about this, the more I love the pick.


    Maybe, but I will eat my hat if Bradfield ever has plus raw power.

  7. I definitely think he can play a perfectly fine 2B. He could probably, at least for now, cover SS without being an embarrassment. I'm agnostic on his 3B play.

    Most of his value will likely come from his being an excellent hitter for these positions

  8. 3 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I think he could start in Delmarva and finish in Aberdeen this year. Aberdeen has been the level to slow down most of our hitters recently. He could be in Bowie, and a top 100 prospect, this time next year. 

    Yeah. His swing needs too much work to be in the majors within a year, though it does seem his defense is MLB ready.

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