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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. https://www.mlb.com/video/xander-bogaerts-doubles-7-on-a-fly-ball-to-left-fielder-heston-kjerstad-m?partnerId=web_video-playback-page_video-share
  2. Is catch probability based on EV and launch angle solely like xBA, or does it take into account the defenders location? Not making excuses or saying it shouldn’t have been caught but that was a challenging play. The ball was hit directly over his head, he didn’t take a deep enough drop step, looked at wall, and when he looked back up at ball above him, he lost his balance. If the ball was hit 10’ to his left or right it’s a simple play. With that said, he needs to make that play.
  3. Maybe he did improve? Im just saying he can continue to get better. I also don’t think he’s an absolute hack out there, that was one play(albeit a very bad play). If you can’t hit, you don’t get a chance to play LF or RF in MLB. I’m guessing he put in little more time in the cage to get his shot. Now that he’s here and the bat plays, he can switch priority to defense. He’s just 25. He has a couple more years before any drop off in athleticism.
  4. What gets you to the show doesn’t keep you there. His bat got him here and was very obviously his focus. If he wants to stay and thrive his D will need to be a focus moving forward. There’s no reason he can’t improve.
  5. He’s got a. 28.4 sprint speed putting him in the 79th percentile. In 2021 prospects live have him a 60 D 50 arm. https://www.prospectslive.com/scoutingreports/heston-kjerstad Fa graphs gave him a 40 D CV & 45 D FV https://www.fangraphs.com/players/heston-kjerstad/31166/stats?position=DH/OF MLB.com gave him a 50D 55 Arm https://www.mlb.com/prospects/2023/top100/heston-kjerstad-677008 Maybe @RZNJ can chime in with the BA grades. To me, he has the tools to be an average MLB OF. If he puts in the work he should be a solid defender.
  6. He had a 2 in 30 chance to go to a better team. He hit the jackpot. I’d be stoked if I were him, too.
  7. The Makeup of a Pitcher Debuting in the Major Leagues https://www.drivelinebaseball.com/2021/09/the-makeup-of-a-pitcher-debuting-in-the-major-leagues/ Chayce McDermorr (26 on 7/24) is on the clock. As soon as the trade deadline passes, he needs to go to the pen.
  8. When they are playing well we get articles about all the bros, team building, and bffs. When they play poorly we get this. Human nature I suppose. Writers gonna write and try for dopamine clicks.
  9. Eflin @ 18MM tells me the FO really likes him.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/C9tYfKUpyxV/?igsh=eXB1MW1pMGZmOTBo
  11. They tried HK at 1B. It didn’t go very well.
  12. You, me Hays, Bob, Bill, and Jerry all knew he had no future with this team. The comments about an extension on his part were laughable. It was at that exact moment the thought that he might become a challenge entered my mind. The look on his face when Cowser hit his 2nd HR in Boston was pretty damning. But again, I get it. It’s human nature and his job was being taken from him right in front of him. I can’t imagine being in his position. With all that said, he’s been nothing but a professional and I feel like this whole thing has been blown out of proportion and his comments were taken out of context to create a story.
  13. You could tell he was a salty dog in the first month when Cowser was going off and the writing was on the wall. It’s unfortunate, I was a big fan also. He was a gamer and always super nice with fans before & after games. I wish him the best.
  14. 1. Lack of direction is laughable 2. prospect hoarding is hyperbole. Would you have rather had Vavra instead of Norby when Mateo went down? 3. We have the best offense in MLB by OPS+ and top 3 in almost every category. 4. You don’t think Gunnar will Come around and is just in a defensive slulp? I do. HK is just getting his feet under him and learning to play with the second deck. I’ll give you the point on poor BP construction. That could have been avoided.
  15. Yes. For a pitch that is 2-3” below the zone you need to start at the dirt or you won’t be able to come up through it. It’s extremely difficult. And it’s extremely important. That’s why catchers receiving ability is so critical. I’ve heard folks say that in order of importance receiving is 90%, blocking is 8%, throwing is 2%. If you can’t receive no one cares if you can black or have an accurate cannon.
  16. They have the 3rd best record in all of baseball.
  17. I think he’s going to catch fire. He had to cut training in off-season/spring training from the stress fracture. Then had to get strength back & adjust to timing at the higher level. I think we will see him go off remainder of season assuming he’s healthy.
  18. Thats how you frame. You bring the ball up into the zone. If your glove is set at target and then you go down for the low pitch momentum and gravity will carry the glove and ball lower and out of the zone. Same with inside/outside pieces, if you show target and move out towards the edge of plate, momentum will carry glove & ball further away. Catchers are taught the show target first, then drop glove down and catch the ball with a motioning coming up. Same for inside/outside pitch’s, the glove will start further away and then you catch it with a motion bringing it into zone. It’s much more difficult to do hence the missed ball (a lot of that at lower levels). The very good framers do it effortlessly and smoothly and can bring the ball into zone for strikes. Gone are the days of “stick it” & turn your wrist.
  19. If the Os miss the playoffs I think the fire Hyde stuff might have some credence. I’ve always been impressed and will give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s been a rough stretch for sure, but the pitchforks are a little premature.
  20. He will be #1 by end of year. He’s a
  21. Defense is easiest of the 5 tools to teach.
  22. If he is the #3/#4 add-on AND we get a stud I’ll be blown away they added that level of talent as the innings eater. If he’s the big get then I’ll be mildly disappointed.
  23. He doesn’t walk many batters. Plays right in to those stats. I‘m happy with the acquisition.
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