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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. I have randomly become a fan of this guy for no apparent reason.  You can see the talent is in there.  Get this man to a yoga studio and try and find a way to keep him on the field, would be fantastic if he could realize his talent.  The power is legit.  

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  2. 9 hours ago, Jammer7 said:

    I had to laugh at the last two pages of this thread. Calling this a stupid move, comical. This was a very unique situation. He got a chance to fill a temporary MLB role and get a taste. I am sure he was thrilled to come up for a few days. 

    Stowers has a lot to learn about his major league adjustments. You get a chance to bring him up for a few days, to go through the preparation and see a taste of the big league life. To be around the team, the coaches and so on.

    He played in two games, and acquitted himself ok. He got to watch, listen and learn. A lot is learned on the bench, and I’m sure someone here will argue against that. But it is true for a guy like Kyle. Talk to any guy who has been in MLB. 

    Hyde felt the matchups weren’t good in two games, and fans complain. They want the kid to have some success, and get his feet on the ground. His confidence is important. I’m not sure why this is such an issue for some. Stowers is not our next superstar or something. He might be a solid major leaguer, maybe. He has a ways to go in AAA yet. 

    He’s 24 years old & 171 days.  He has hammered AAA pitching.  When he doesn’t get a hit (59% of which are for extra bases) he makes a loud out.  Yes, he’s striking out 24% of the time and that likely increases in MLB, but that is part of his game.  He has actually improved his strikeout rate from last years 32% while at a higher level.  He has done all he needs to do in AAA. Only reason he isn’t on the MLB club is because there is no where for him to play.  

  3. Let's hope Diaz can stay healthy.....for a month this time.  I'm excited to watch Vallimont's next start, he put up some impressive numbers last time out.   Would be fantastic is Ambruester can continue to do his thing at the next level.  Wonder who Cumberland takes ABs from.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I don't.

    I think the team will try and mention it and will get nowhere.

    The teams know the counting stats aren't actually useful, the agents know the counting stats are actually useful.

    Obviously as a player Mancini would prefer Dongs to Near Dongs.  But it won't change his next contract unless his representation is incompetent.


    21 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    Bill James has written about helping put together arb cases for players in the 80s and they were using a lot more sophisticated data packages than is being suggested here in 2022. His agent would show a chart of all the homers he lost to the new wall and say "Hey, you moved it back, not me. It's all about the production. If you're docking Trey does Jordan Lyles get all the money you're shorting me?"

    Fair enough.  I stand corrected.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I'm not sure what you are going with there?

    The fact that both sides are going to present their cases in the most advantageous manner possible doesn't change the fact that the traditional counting stats aren't going to be used in the team's actual projection in what the player's value is.


    Which is why I started my comment with the line 'The Optics of....' It's a sales pitch, any and all data will be used to best represent the player.   

  6. 12 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    This makes no sense.

    Where did I say that outs were preferred?  You could have at least made it an interesting thought exercise and come at me with something like would you rather have 6 additional HR and 4 additional strike outs or 10 fly ball outs that would have been homeruns in Cincinnati.

    The teams have the data.  We are not in an age in which counting stats are used to determine free agent contracts. 


    9 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    They are going to use the data.

    They are going to try and frame the discussion on the most favorable terms possible, why wouldn't they?

    Doesn't mean it will work. 

    At the end of the day they are going to use projections of what he will do playing for their team in their stadium.

    Seems to me like it makes sense.  

  7. 28 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think there is doubt.  I doubt.

    Now if he was still in the Arbitration phase of his career...

    Does he get a bonus for the All Star game?  Something like that maybe???

    I think the optics of the counting stats still carry weight, especially when selling your player to GMs against other players available.  Any and all stats will be used by his agent to get him the best contract.   GMs on the other hand will be using any and all stats to try and get the best contract for their team.   If you had to choose between having 6 additional home runs or 6 very long well hit fly outs, would you simply choose the long fly outs and bank on the fact that the GMs don't care about counting stats?  I think I'd rather have the HR tally and then let the cards fall were they may.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    You'd be pissed, too, if balls that would have gone over the wall in years prior are coming up short now.  That's not just a decrease in his stats, that's literal money off the table for him.

    For argument's sake (and I'm exaggerating a bit here, but bear with me here) say the new LF configuration takes away 15 homes from Trey and he winds up with 15 total this year.  In years prior, he'd have had 30 homers, this year he has 15.

    When he goes to negotiate a new salary with the Orioles or with another team, he can't say he's a 30 homer guy and demand to be paid like one.  And no one's going to care that the new LF configuration took away a lot of homers from him.  Too bad.  

    Yeah, I'd be pissed about it, too.

    I was going to post the same thing.  Not sure what the figure is, but it's gotta be something like a $250,000 hit per lost HR to his contract next year.  The man is playing for a contract and hammering the ball w/o much to show for it.  Sure, other GMs have the stadium info but there is no doubt those lost homers are impacting his finances.  

    • Confused 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, btdart20 said:

    I like it too.  Plus it’s helping shave almost 30 minutes of fluff time off a game (for what that’s worth to some).

    A 2hr and 30minute baseball game is a thing of beauty.  It's not just the extra 30 minutes, but the defense stays in the game more behind the pitcher as they know the ball is coming quickly.  It's been said a million times that pitchers who work fast and throw strikes keep their D in the game, and that's becoming the norm with the new rule.  And, I just love the idea that all 9 batters in the lineup can make an impact on the bases.  It creates excitement in the game that would not be there otherwise.  Imagine the stress an excitement in a tight playoff game with runners on base late in the game.  

  10. Apologize if this is in the wrong place.  Tried to search for a similar thread but didn't come across any ongoing threads discussing the Minor League pitch clock.  I believe people have pointed out that SBs are up throughout MiLB and speculated it was due to the pitch clock rules.  It's very hard to tell what's going on by watching on TV, but when you watch live you see that all players are being coached to take off as soon as the clock gets down to one second.  I tell you what, I absolutely love it.   I've been to a few Tides games this year and hadn't really picked up on it earlier in the season, and again, it's hard to tell what's going on while watching on TV.   It adds so much more excitement and new ways to be entertained by these talented athletes.  Today Westburg took advantage of the clock while on second base...with no outs....and Henderson at bat!  They know if they get the extra .5 to 1 second you will be safe every time.  Nottingham (the huge slow catcher) took advantage of it with 2 outs on first.  I don't think anyone in the stadium had a clue what was going on when he took off, took the P by surprise, and caused the P to balk.  I know some people are purists and I sure as heck used to be, but I'm all about making the game more exciting and attractive to a new &  younger audience.  Not only does it speed up the game significantly, but it gives non base stealers a chance to impact the game on the basepaths, keeps the pitcher and defense on their toes, and adds a whole new element to the game that is exciting and entertaining.  They will need to start to put the pitch clock on the TV broadcasts so that the fans at home can watch this aspect of the game.  I believe this is a great way, albeit very different, to make the game more fun for the younger crowd and also to attract more athletes to play baseball.  My two cents, I'm sure there are other opinions out there.  Would be curious to see what everyone else thinks.  

  11. 2 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    Why are they making adjustments to a guy that was red hot last year?

    Baseball is a game of adjustments.  He will be making adjustments next year and the year after, as well.  The idea is to continue to get better until the very last day of your career.  

  12. I just watched the game.  He’s gonna need to keep the man-bun if he pitches like that. A little wild early with the FB missing high, looked like he was overthrowing it.  But that change up, where did that come from?  He over threw  a few, but there were a tom that looked down right unhittable.  Crazy amount of movement.  He has a different look to him this year.  Looks like a guy that knows he has talent, hasn’t been able to over come, and knows he’s getting close to to his last opportunities if he doesn’t put up.  Seems much more locked in and focused.  

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