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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Man, this guy frustrates me. He has nasty stuff. I don’t think he has “it” between the ears. I’ve watched him warm up before games a couple times and he just goes through a sloppy routine, not a ton of focus, always chatting with whoever is around. He scares me out of pen because you never know who is gonna show up. I loved his stuff but I think I’m ready to pass.
  2. I think the Jay's are banking on signing him long term, as well. I like the move. Tres cojones.
  3. And trade Mountcastle? Seems to me the prudent move would be to trade away the 3rd year arb salary and replace with a player in second year of league minimum contract (who has more upside).
  4. I saw 4 plays. 2 routine plays he made (weak arm). One tough play he made but he looked like a circus clown. He made a mental error not covering 1b on ball between P and 1b. 1b was salty, he fielded ball and had no one to throw to. Dude is really really fast and looks very very strong.
  5. Bat is quick. Aggressive early in count and looked comfortable hitting with 2 strikes. His hit came on a 2 strike slider, barreled a ball in next at bat but got out in front and sent ball to warning track. Looks very comfortable at the plate, looks like a fish out of water a 2b.
  6. Watching Jones in Norfolk tonight. First impression, he’s thick. Looks like a running back. He’s fast. Doesn’t look “natural” at all. Got on, stole a base (awkward slide) then proceeded to get picked off. Made a couple awkward plays in field. Missed covering first on tweener ball between 1b & P. I don’t think this guys is MLB ready at all. He would get exposed quickly.
  7. I’d like a solid FA SP acquisition on a short deal to help Means welcome the young pitchers.
  8. Harvey on a heater. Made the screen in my “last 30 day” search for SP fantasy. Fun night for AL only fantasy waiver wire.
  9. I’m right there, too. This off-season is going to be interesting/telling. The milestone elephant is 14 months out and I think that plays heavy. He held onto his guys. Money “frees up” in 2023. He could make a statement this off-season, but it’s likely he’s playing for next. I’m excited to see how roster shakes out for spring training 2022.
  10. I agree it was painful to sit on sidelines during fireworks, but I think it was the prudent move. Santander was a missed opportunity.
  11. Who would you have traded? Pretty tough when your best chips are under control for a long time. Imagine they asked appropriate value. I think they move Mancini over winter. Means has something to prove in next 2 months.
  12. I saw his #s and was impressed. Someone (I think FRobby) made a comment about his k% being slightly above league avg-ish. It made me pause and look. Unreal how fast the game has changed. When does the Pendulum swing back? Seems we are at an unsustainable extreme.
  13. My read is that he thinks we are close. He wants good players on roster for next year. This upcoming offseason is going to be very interesting. Folks should be happy he kept our guys. Will be cool to look back on today in 5 years with all the wild moves. A lot of teams sold the farm and hamstrung themselves down the line.
  14. Geez, Trey! A playoff team needs those picks down the stretch.
  15. Brutal. I was just looking at Scherzer's final contract numbers. He is gonna end up about perfect value....then flipped for uber prospects. Unbelievable. Has to be best contract in history of baseball.
  16. Does Scherzer deal (if it happens) make Means more attractive? Imagine Berrios is next, LA & SF gotta keep up with the Jones’.
  17. I’ve had a bad gut feeling on Means for a while. The shoulder fatigue issue now a couple times. Dropped spin rate. My fear is that he does not get back to where he was. If he throws together a couple solid starts and we get a decent offer, I make the deal. He will not be here for the next playoff team. Heck, I bet next time O’s are in playoffs means is on the IL for whatever team he plays for.
  18. Jones batted .236 / .706 ops in July with 31 SO in 89 ABs. He's 1 for his last 19. Plays poor D. Wouldn't say he's setting the world on fire.
  19. That was a painful watch on so many levels.
  20. Tuned in for a fun one. Walk off BB. Can't make this stuff up. haha
  21. Suicide squeeze! *Safety Squeeze. Wheels on 3rd and wheels at the plate. Can't double them up.
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