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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. And plays in the dirt (2B, 3b, & SS in a pinch). He’s fastest guy on team not named Mateo. By all accounts is one of the most disciplined and hardest workers in the org (comments coming from his colleagues). The underrating of Westburg on this board is crazy. The dude put up 1.2 WAR in 68 games in his rookie season. Thats a 3 WAR player who is just getting his feet wet. Kjerstad is a nice player but pretty one dimensional.
  2. Tigers are a good young team. They aren’t trading their pitching. They will likely be in the market to acquire pitching. They went under the radar last year, but I think they challenge for AL Central this year.
  3. I wasn't super excited when I heard the news on the radio, but after checking out baseball savant and reading this thread, I feel a lot better. 93 Ks isn't something to sneeze at. With how they've turned some guys around, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he has a standout year next year. I like the signing.
  4. If I had to pick one guy it would be Basallo. A good offensive C in MLB is a major advantage. Turning the least productive offensive position into a top producing position is a massive advantage. I think we saw that a little with the "Adley Effect".
  5. I did not know that. Whoops a daisy. I guess that’s what I get for only checking every once in a while in the off-season. Completely missed that.
  6. No kidding. That’s why he would bring back a top end talent.
  7. What about Sandy Alcantara? He had a down year last year by his standards. He has 64.9MM over 4 years left on his contract with a 21MM team option. Would Mayo, Hall, + low level prospect get that done? Would you do that?
  8. I think Mayo is trade bait for a high end acquisition. They aren’t gonna trade Holliday or Basallo, if they want a legit stud player it’s going to cost and I think Mayo is the price.
  9. Westburg is known to have a very very disciplined workout routine. He’s all business. I’d be shocked if the others didn’t as well. That is the common denominator in all our prospects. Work ethic, discipline, and drive. Every 12-18 y/o who is trying to improve and play at the next level (whatever that may be) are doing these same exact workouts. Very typical driveline hitting progression using driveline tools (under load, overload, long, & short bats w/smash factor balls). The trick of the whole thing is the recovery & diet. If you work out everyday you’re doing yourself a disservice. If you eat a bad diet, you are doing yourself a disservice. OSU has a fantastic program. I’d be blown away if Jackson hasn’t been doing these workouts since he was ~10 y/o with a focus on proper recovery, mobility, and diet.
  10. Thanks! Great post. Very interesting observation re: 2019/2020 draft year guys.
  11. I told myself I wouldn’t respond again. lol. Liberal BS comment? My comment had nothing to do with politics whatsoever, but to point out that there are a lot of well-off Latin players who have access to the very best training and the demands of the best trainers down there go to the folks that can pay. Similar to what has happened in the states. You inserted politics and made assumptions. Then followed that up with insults.
  12. The comment I quoted you on above was taken from when you “butted your nose into those that had nothing to do with you”. Can’t make this stuff up. You’re on a roll today. Again. Carry on.
  13. Copy? Nah. Just pointing out you talk out of both sides of your mouth non-stop and hurl insults when you get called out, proven wrong, or your feelings get hurt. Carry on.
  14. lol…don’t offend the overly sensitive. There was nothing wrong with what you said. Facts are what they are.
  15. Hall is my pick to break out this year. So much talent.
  16. Yes. He’d slot in as #3 at worst and a #1 at best. We lost our innings eater horse and need to replace those IP. His 200+ Ks the last 3 years look great. I don’t see the O’s signing any FA pitchers of note. Off subject a bit, but I’d like to try and get another SP as well. I’d love to find a way to get Robert’s with Cease and would be OK giving up Mayo or Holliday to do it. That would free up Mullins/Kremer for a trade for another SP.
  17. According to the OP. But maybe I misunderstood.
  18. It’s funny to me that people can read the quote you listed that explicitly cites their goals and intentions, But then he makes the comment “a pitcher that would figure in to the top half of our rotation would be a wonderful addition” and folks think that means their primary goal is to trade away their elite developed talent for someone else’s #1 SP, and if they don’t so that they are going against what they stated as a plan and are therefore failures.
  19. I realize you prefaced it. It wasn’t really a critique, but more of a FYI.
  20. If the O’s trade up for a higher Rule V pick, this board is going to be down for a while.
  21. I’d be careful with over generalizations. Not all of them are dirt poor. Same thing is happening down there that is here. https://instagram.com/enmanuel_beltre07
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