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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. Pennsylvania is a moronic state.

    In PA, to be a Magisterial District Justice (small claims court) you don't even have to have a law degree. These idiots are trying to tell me I have to do something, when the rules clearly state that I don't. Hey PA, there are plenty of lawyers in the state, so how about making it a requirement that someone who interprets the laws knows what they're talking about.:angryfire::cussing:

  2. Wow, that's crazy. How did you manage that? I just have a little on my wrist, foot, and calf. That's what I get for running into the woods barefoot after a baseball.

    I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is that I was spraying insect repellent on some plants where I worked this summer and my hands touched it. Since I touch my face alot I must have somehow spread it there.

  3. My Doc is getting a call by Wed for the steriods.

    It's the only thing I can use to get rid of it. I try to pump iron at the same time to get the "full effect". I also have an excuse for yelling at the wife and kids for a few days. :D

    Double boo here. I had it on my face over the 4th of July weekend. My eyes and lips were so swollen it looked like I had got my arse kicked by Mike Tyson.

  4. :angryfire:6 fricking books for one class. That is BS. Stupid f'in professors who think we have the money for that crap. Most of them will be used for 1 class only. ARRRGGGGHHHH:cussing::angryfire:

  5. Overreactionary threads by baseball fans after their team suffers a bad loss. Good grief, take a chill pill and relax before you start posting random weird crap on a message board. Last night it was all over the Reds board and tonight it seems to have spread over here. It just boggles my mind sometimes. *shakes head* :angryfire:

    Seriously! There is a small, but very vocal group of posters who are ruining this board. Consistently *****ing about everything. When is DT gonna be fired, why is AM cheap, why does BRob hate being an Oriole. Just shut up already, you're losers.

  6. Why can't I watch a single show on Food Network without seeing fifteen-billion ads for Road Tasted with the Neelys, Down Home with the Neelys,

    Have you seen that show, it's disgusting they're always making out and have their hands on each other. It's really odd.

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