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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 5 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    So, I got curious today about what ever happened with Fantex.    Long story short, they closed their financing in July and paid Schoop his $4.9 mm.    They have 20 athletes under similar contracts but have decided to hold it there because obtaining financing was so difficult.   

    Mesnwhile, they update the fair market value of their player contracts quarterly, and now value the Schoop contract at $5.9 mm, about $1 mm more than they paid for it.    So, they apparently project Schoop's lifetime earnings to likely exceed $59 mm, factoring in all the risks of injury, poor performance, etc.    Arguably, the entire increase for Schoop is based on the fact that he got through the year without getting hurt.    

    Unfortunately, the company is taking steps to get below the 300-shareholder threshold for public reporting, so information on how they value Schoop's contract may not be available next year.   

    Thanks! This is really interesting. It's funny how some sports gambling is legal if done in a market environment.

    I'd still like to see us lock Schoop into a reasonable extension. Something like this:

    17: 5M

    18: 8M

    19: 12M

    20: 15M (FA)

    21. 17M (FA)

    That's 5/57. We have a lot of money coming off the books in the next 2 years. This is a good risk/reward.

  2. On 11/16/2016 at 9:07 PM, mrbig1 said:

    Auburn can be a real test for Bama.

    Would really like to have seen that game with a healthy Sean White. We had no chance with our QB choices.

    That said, you guys are as dominant as you've been in Saban's tenure.

  3. 3 hours ago, OFFNY said:



    The loss to a solid Georgia team ended Auburn's hopes for a playoff berth and/or a trip to the SEC Championship game.

    The game against Alabama subsequently became their Super Bowl. They gave their best effort, and a lost a respectable and fairly competitive game.

    Now, they will likely be invited to a middle-tier bowl game.

    Actually, unless Florida beats Alabama, we will likely go to the Sugar Bowl. As we would likely be the highest rated SEC team not going to the playoffs. It's been a down year for the SEC, outside of Bama.

  4. Sadly if enough of them say it they will eventually become correct, see Literally.

    When people misuse that word, I literally have smoke coming out of my ears.

  5. People that say "on accident" instead of "by accident". Apparently it's a generational thing that is becoming more common, but no matter how many of your peers say it, you're still wrong.

    Their the kind of folks who should of been taught better grammer.

  6. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Sedlock gives up a two-run homer in top of the 1st after getting two quick outs to start the game. The Scrappers now lead 2-0.</p>— Aberdeen IronBirds (@IronBirds) <a href="
    ">July 29, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Bust!!! Trade him

  7. If we can get Bundy AND Harvey on track to contribute to the starting rotation next year, that would be huge. Gausman, Bundy and Harvey all healthy and in the starting rotation would be a dream come true - The real Cavalry?

    Harvey isn't close to BAL. No chance he'll be here next year. He can't even get on a mound.

  8. The man has been through hell. I agree with some things. I'm will to cut the man some slack. Auburn has way too much talent to be a 6-6 team. What he did was wrong. No doubt, but should not lose his job.

    We're 6-6 because our "dark horse Heisman candidate" isn't even a D1 QB. If Sean White were able to play yesterday we very easily could've won.

    Hopefully, Will sticks around, but there are a lot of jobs open this year.

  9. What in the world was Muschamp doing? His actions were/are an embarrassment to Auburn. He should be suspended, fired and otherwise disassociated from Auburn University. The penalty was too lenient, he should have been expelled from the game. Now, he should be expelled from his employment with AU.

    What are you talking about? He did the same thing Saban does every game. I'm glad we have someone with some emotion. Defense has come a long way.

  10. I was about to have a stroke, I was so angry. I'd still rather have won the game in the 9th. A walk and three straight botched grounders. Gaaaah!

    Yeah, the sloppy baseball is driving me crazy. Poor defense, consistent mistakes. I know we've got 3 starters injured, but the guys we should be able to depend on are lacking focus too.

    It was a very unsatisfying win.

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