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Everything posted by murph

  1. Yeah I was thinking they must have run out. How do you not call a time out there!
  2. Yeah the defense of play was even better than I realized. Wasn’t just completely Wisconsin panicking.
  3. I thought it was clear his arm was down, no hook. But I am definitely with you with the way this game has been called tonight.
  4. Right!?!?! And what was the hesitation by the ref on the call. That was really odd.
  5. That’s ridiculous! How do they not review that.
  6. I thought King hooked, but he didn’t. That was a nice move. Damnit.
  7. Wiggins is either really really good or really really bad.
  8. It’s a good thing that Wisconsin has not shot very well today either.
  9. When did they make the decision that on the rebound the shot clock is 20 seconds? Don’t think I noticed that until this year.
  10. And just ran into roadblock. Not very smart.
  11. I miss the second half until now and of course it turns out to be a good game! Maybe I should go away again. Wish they could stay focused and put this game away.
  12. Marial looked a bit confused out there too. Now Potter hits a prayer at the end of the shot clock, lovely.
  13. Wiggins finally hit one. Hopefully he has found his.
  14. Even Dan and the other guy for the MD game realize how ridiculous that was! I don’t know why that irritates me so much, but it does!!
  15. Last game was not fun, but I’m not given up on them yet. Especially this year with all the parity.
  16. Even the announcers don’t care about the game anymore, switch to the Maryland game!
  17. I believe Reddit is where all the Digg users jumped ship to after Kevin Rose changed gears on that site. That was an interesting time back in the earlyish internet. I am with @UpstateNYfan , how does this even work, with the timing and then the hitter still has to execute his swing against a major league quality pitch.
  18. I saw a couple references in this thread to possible de-juicing of the ball for 2020. I know MLB never really admitted that the ball was juiced in the first place, so it is probably highly unlikely that there is any publicizing of an attempt to soften the ball for this year, so is this postulating? Or has there been some leak of information somewhere to point to this? Just wondering. Either way, are these projection systems stating they are adding in a less super bouncy ball into their calculations? Disclaimer: Yes, I am being lazy and just asking posters here instead of taking the effort to read the projection systems definitions myself. ?
  19. Hopefully this was a learning experience and they can build on it. Ton of parity in the NCAA this year. This season could continue to be a lot of ups and downs.
  20. I just sat down to watch the game in holy crap! Guess they started slow again. And back the way they were playing a few weeks ago. I just don’t get it.
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