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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. And now that Philly is relevant again (and paid a gazillion dollars for Harper) they are up to 4th in attendance. Not all markets are created equal though, we've seen that Tampa's attendance seems to be mostly independent of how they perform. I'm sure when we are good again we can get back to 30,000 per game like in 2014.....maybe with some sustained success we can do even better.
  2. The cynic in me assumes that if you ignore the Orioles team games that number goes down to like 1.05. heh But sure I agree this is something to keep our eyes on.
  3. Someone just needs to step in and ask Cobb if he would prefer to use the minor league balls instead. Think we might have a candidate for Biggest Team Whiner now gents.
  4. In case anyone is curious, Nelson Cruz is now 38 years old........and DH'ing for Minnesota with an .896 OPS thus far. Eventually he will start to suck.........right?
  5. He has a .731 OPS in Minnesota, that's not too terrible. It's actually right in line with his career numbers. He might prove himself to be a valuable player for his salary.
  6. Colorado being so poor seems like kind of a shocker. Guess it's still a pretty SSS.
  7. Little surprised that Davis is sitting against a right-hander. Pleasantly surprised, to be sure.
  8. No, not even a little bit. I'm referencing how things worked when Brady was in an actual position of power. The fact that he is still HERE I think is a relic of the Brady era. I believe Elias has decision making power now until I see evidence to the contrary.
  9. I hope Brady can look away. This might be painful.
  10. One of only 4 elite O's to hit for the cycle too! Brooks, Cal, Aubrey Huff, Felix Pie My personal Mt. Rushmore........don't judge.
  11. It's posted for today! https://twitter.com/masnroch Villar 2B Smith LF Mancini RF Nunez DH Ruiz 3B Rickard CF Davis 1B Sucre C Martin SS
  12. Manny Machado has a .467. Why on Earth would you keep playing a guy with a .467 OPS? Surprised they don't cut him. ?
  13. Surprised you are so quick to dismiss Villar's 5.000 OPS against him in one major league at bat. heh
  14. I'm glad to see Jones is playing well. I hope has a great year in AZ and goes on a deep playoff run there. Not sure why we need to minimize anything he did here historically or root for him to have a down year or something. A great year this year in AZ still wouldn't change the fact that it was time to move on.
  15. I posted the lineup for yesterday originally........I think we covered it.
  16. Lineup just posted. Martin gets the night off. CF Cedric Mullins LF Dwight Smith Jr SS Jonathan Villar DH Trey Mancini 3B Rio Ruiz RF Joey Rickard 1B Chris Davis C Jesus Sucre 2B Hanser Alberto
  17. OK that I can understand. I think the only way to fix it by getting more balls in play is to lower the mound or move it back. That seems like a tough sell.
  18. ? Is it intentional when they swing at a ball and miss for strike 3? I'm not sure I get your argument. Why is one worthy of 'punishment' but not the other?
  19. Foul balls are an ever-growing issue imo. I don't know the solution but it seems like that's where we could get the most bang for our buck in terms of speeding things up. Maybe once you get to like 5 or 6 fouls that's an out......idk.
  20. Do you think the owners would approve a salary floor as well? I'm pretty sure that would appeal to the MLBPA.
  21. I'm a fan of yours Drungo, but I've never been persuaded by this type of argument.........at all. Most of these things are to restore an 'injured' or 'deficient' body to a 'normal' state. If your ACL snaps.......that's an injury. We are pretty ok with people having surgery to repair that injury to try and get them back to their 'normal' state. Same thing with poor vision. We can hem and haw about what it means to be 'normal' but I think if you have two people debating on this who are both intellectually honest they will agree on 95% of what is 'performance enhancing' in the PED sense vs what is just trying to restore someone back to some kind of 'neutral' state. I really resent the arguments that go like "either you have to say it's ALL bad or it's ALL ok!" That's not honest and not how the real world works.
  22. Hmmm, and what is the only common team denominator between Turner, Mora, and Bautista............... ? oh snap
  23. Makes sense. I am more of a Quiznos guy myself too.
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