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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. Demoted for Luis Ortiz. That has to sting a bit I think.
  2. Dude is still getting it done. Hitting .329/.394/.443 / .836 at Bowie so far this year. If he does this for another month might he earn a promotion to Norfolk?
  3. We have a 25 year old catcher currently with an .878 OPS who is known to be solid defensively. We have a 24 year old catcher currently with an OPS over 1.000 in a SSS who is more of a liability defensively. We are about to sign one of the top catching prospects in the history of the game. All of that to say.................personally I don't really care in 2019 which one between Sisco or Severino is catching regularly unless Severino really starts to crater with his bat. I guess the challenge is you want both Sisco and Nunez to keep getting AB, which is an issue. Guess they can platoon for now.
  4. Someone has to catch, right? Doesn't Severino provide better defense?
  5. For agreeing with you?
  6. How much salary do you think San Diego would need to eat in order to offload the face of their franchise for the next decade? If they ate like half of it do you think that would get them out from under this albatross? Do you think any team would be willing to pay say $7M a year for Machado going forward or do you suspect his career is over?
  7. How about the greatest defensive 3B of all time, Adrian Beltre?
  8. I was pretty consistent last year that although Gausman was showing good results in Atlanta his underlying peripherals were not great. I was expecting a regression this year....although it seems like this is a particularly bad one.
  9. Sometimes I feel like Drungo is still having reconciling his view of reality with the fact that Jose Bautista exists. Love ya man. I get that it's most rational to expect large populations of individuals (in this case baseball players) to all more or less follow the same trend lines and to have the same career patterns............but we all know outliers exist too. And sure, I get that the real trick is recognizing when those guys appear, and they will necessarily be in the minority. I don't know what the magic amount of evidence is for me either, but if Pedro is still doing this in late July I think I'll be a believer.
  10. Why would one hitter benefit so much more from other hitters if the main variable that changed is a new super bouncy ball? Shouldn't all hitters that hit the ball in the air see much-improved results?
  11. So you're saying the BSO needs to find a good streaming platform to broadcast their product to keep up with the modern era?
  12. Why not include the entire box score? It seems kinda strange to only mention the negatives from a single game, let alone his first game back. Diaz did GIDP and have a K however he was a total of 2 for 4 on the day with a BB. That doesn't seem that disastrous to me.............
  13. Aglets

    DL Hall 2019

    Fair point, this requires an adjustment to my calculations. Let me correct................and...........................done. So excited for 2023 you guys!
  14. Aglets

    DL Hall 2019

    So excited for 2022 you guys!
  15. I suspect you are right. I could see Stewart eventually taking Nunez's roster spot. Still a little unclear what the gameplan with Davis is, I can foresee a time coming soonish where he is blocking Mountcastle from getting any playing time.
  16. OK, so maybe he's actually being honest...................darn. heh
  17. OK so let's ask the unspoken question that Elias will never openly admit to. Stewart started his ML clock last September (9/11/18 to be specific), playing in 17 games. Taking that into account, how much longer does he need to stay down in Norfolk for us to get the extra year? It shouldn't be much longer right?
  18. I thought this thread would be more ragging on atomic than corn. Huh.
  19. One of my favorites. Really made me sad to see him end up in Boston.
  20. Aglets

    Rylan Bannon 2019

    Currently slashing .302/.378/.492 at Bowie. Hasn't failed at any level of minor league baseball yet.......is he a future piece?
  21. a player with a .941 OPS through 147 plate appearances you think might be below replacement level this year? Man I'd love to see what advanced metrics you have access to that apparently no one else does. He is on a 4-5 WAR pace right now assuming he stays healthy. Not saying I expect him to keep up that pace, but I expect him to have a pretty good year.
  22. I'm pretty sure Tony is advocating that we break up Canada into 5 mini countries since it has become too large of a monopoly. Let's move......at dawn.
  23. Ugh, the Blue Jays have their own COUNTRY??!?!?!! How are we possibly supposed to compete with that........
  24. Glad to see Mancini back in the lineup.
  25. The average American League team has let up 38 HR so far in 2019. The Orioles have allowed 73. So yeah, HR totals do really seem to be up all across MLB, but we seem to be a pretty big cause of the problem, lol.
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