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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. But he hasn't shown he's 14M worth of useful, he's more 6M worth of useful. As for high reward, he hasn't been a high reward guy since 2014.
  2. Since teams are acting as if the luxury tax is a hard cap that is an easy premise to accept.
  3. Buck might have, but Hunter wasn't making anything close to closer money with the O's. Shame about Buck and his allegiance to the save rule.
  4. What, when he was with the Phillies? He had four saves and 11 games finished over those two seasons. He sure wasn't making closer type money with the O's.
  5. I, for the life of me, can't think of a set-up guy that was making ~closer money that couldn't handle stepping in to close. Which guys are you talking about?
  6. I don't find it less entertaining.
  7. And I'm looking forward to it. It's the smart way to go.
  8. Right, except pitch count isn't a factor in the work I have seen.
  9. You don't know Jack? It was also an illegal move. Dan is lucky the franchise didn't get punished.
  10. Smith DFA is on my list of season highlights.
  11. I don't like closers. I especially don't like closers when you: 1- Aren't good 2- Don't have that lock down guy you can turn to
  12. Unfortunately I think Harvey is my guy on the IL. I think it is not smart for Hyde to put himself in a situation in which he has a dedicated closer.
  13. If you want to go, just go. Don't try and martyr yourself over a message board.
  14. Polyp. Evidently they took out one large and two small today. I'll try and get the details when I have my first post op next week.
  15. I was hoping you'd reference this kid, whose brother plays and might be someone.
  16. If you had a 100% blockage in one nostril for over a year and it got removed wouldn't you be a bit mirthful? Oh noes, DARKHAWK downvoted me. Woe is me. On that note, I'm going to go change my gauze.
  17. Kevin? Norm? Which one are you talking about?
  18. Naw, I'm just on Tylenol. It was sinus surgery, other than the fact that I'm dripping blood out my nose I feel pretty decent. Bit of a headache. I just couldn't let a hitchhiker reference go untouched.
  19. Hey look at me, I'm leaving! Look, look, look, I want attention on the way out. If you want to go, why not just go?
  20. Guys, he's taking Mike Trout, we can't let that happen! Somebody frisk him and save all the useful fish.
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