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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. You can make a living streaming video games.
  2. I'm in Florida, we can't get folks to wear masks down here. Of course I don't.
  3. I think if you have a private plane, in which every person on it has been tested, your risk isn't elevated. If I'm MLB I am sure as heck quarantining the flight crews of these planes. I'm sure you can find crews that would agree to that for a couple of months for a nice bump in pay.
  4. I agree. The thing is defense peaks early and Kjerstad looks like he has a frame that can put on some more good weight. Where is his defense six years from now? Is he going to be a "pretty competent" corner outfielder for the length of his tenure with the O's?
  5. If they won't be quarantined then they don't have much of a case for demanding stringent safety measures.
  6. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to fly everyone on separate private planes. I'm also going to guess and say the schedule they come up with will require a lot less flying than normal. The key, obviously, is to try and keep your players away from sources of infection. I'd be in favor of them staying at a hotel or condo designated for their use even at home.
  7. Private buses and planes. Stuff they already use. Renting entire floors of hotels. Something they are probably already doing.
  8. They can't reduce the risk to zero but will the risk to the players be any higher playing MLB than it would be if they weren't? I don't think very many at all are living in a sterile bubble at this point.
  9. You don't think MLB is going to take precautions? Also the face masks provided protect others from you, they don't protect you from others. At least down here the pandemic had been going strong for weeks before those plastic shields started showing up.
  10. Obviously players and players with loved ones that are high risk have some legitimate reason for concern but for the most part the actual risk for the players is very low even if they do contract the disease. As I've said before you have had folks working retail through all of this and they are put at a lot more risk on a daily basis. How many folks does a cashier at Walmart interact with in a day?
  11. But then the owners would have had to pay the players more money.
  12. To play as many games as possible while making their full per game salary.
  13. Interesting that every one of your targets were still on the board.
  14. http://www.thebaseballcube.com/players/profile.asp?ID=33298
  15. Like I said before no one gets comped to Christian Colon.
  16. I do think he'll be better than Stewart. I just don't put a lot of faith into low K numbers. "He had more walks than strikeouts!"
  17. No? It's still the equivalent of trading down even if it doesn't work in this instance. Not like trading down in the NFL works every time.
  18. As has been said we will see. I think Hancock's stock took a bit too much of a hit based off a few starts with mediocre K numbers.
  19. Huh? Wait and see what? Future results have nothing to do with what you responded to. I was talking about how going underslot is the baseball draft equivalent to trading down.
  20. I can't get over how similar his college stats were to DJ Stewart.
  21. Right, because trades aren't allowed during the draft. Since that avenue wasn't open to Elias he did this instead. You end up with a similar result.
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