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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'd say that is in the realm of reasonably thick. More than I would wear but not gaudy.
  2. I haven't seen a picture of the chain in question.
  3. When you are talking about metropolitan areas with two teams might it not be fair to account for the presence of another team? Also Miami is just brutal.
  4. I said he could come back for the 2032 reunion. ?
  5. If you believe that you should avoid saying things like " No player of agent in baseball is going to allow". When folks use language like that it certainly sounds as if they think the player doesn't have the ability to make their own decisions. I see it a lot when folks are talking about Boras clients.
  6. I don't hate Davis, I don't hold a grudge, but I certainly think part of his decline lays at his own feet. We know he's been resistant to change his approach and that he lied about his offseason meetings with Coolbaugh. We can speculate that he doesn't seem to be the same physical specimen he was when he was younger.
  7. Working for the team in a public relations capacity = face of the franchise. The franchise would be putting him forward to represent them. Notice I said a face of the franchise, not the face of the franchise.
  8. How many folks still hold a grudge against Mussina (2001)?
  9. I see this a lot. If Davis agrees how does anyone else stop it? Guys do occasionally accept buyouts or retire leaving money on the table. I don't think it is going to happen in this case but agents can't "not allow" it. The MLBPA can't "not allow" it.
  10. Charitable sure, as a face of the franchise capacity? No thanks. I don't see the need to have Davis acing as a face of the franchise.
  11. All the kids can ask him about his PED suspension during a pennant race. Fun for the whole family. I'd rather they just paid him to go away. He can come back in 2032 for the twentieth anniversary of the 2012 season.
  12. He did play 37 games at short. Maybe that had an impact.
  13. My guess is he didn't have the funds available.
  14. Not sure it is that big an issue considering the other revenue streams they have.
  15. I also wouldn't live in DC., or use an outdoor ATM.
  16. With enough money you could move them to someplace safer than the Dominican and easier to gain residency in than the States.
  17. You say that as if being in a different country from your family wasn't a positive.
  18. I won't go to a game at the Trop but is it really worse than Cleveland Municipal Stadium? It stayed open until 1993 so I'm calling it part of the modern era.
  19. Once I started pulling down MLB paychecks no way I would go to the DR in the offseason.
  20. I didn't see it, but I'll take your word for it.
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