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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He finally found something he was good at.
  2. Oh he wasn't trying. He was doing a heck of a job of it.
  3. Don't forget DL Hall and Tanner Scott. They had years to work with those guys.
  4. And not work. I'd rather not have them working on projects during the season when the window is open.
  5. Some folks just disbelieve everything modern analytics say as some sort of protest.
  6. One advantage to the team being bad is they were hardly ever selected as the premium game.
  7. Yep, trying to make sure he doesn't want to sign a long term deal with the team.
  8. I got pulled over for doing seven in a five.
  9. Up six, against the White Sox. No Gunnar don't risk breaking a finger.
  10. I didn't suggest anything of the sort. I wanted to trade him during the offseason to make room for the young guys. His numbers are not that bad this season to warrant cutting him.
  11. Mountcastle has been slower this season.
  12. He needed a service animal to even find the batter's box.
  13. Hyde has to use the players he is given.
  14. But you just keep moving those goalposts. First you say 100 rbi, I correct you. Then you get huffy and task me with finding 25 hitters that had more and when I give you 30 you don't even admit to being wrong and just go on the attack for something I never said. I was just pointing out you were being factually inaccurate. For some reason posters have a habit of overstating Santander's accomplishments. I do find it funny you didn't even have the sense to check last year's RBI leaders. That's a 30 second Google search.
  15. How about 30? https://www.espn.com/mlb/history/leaders/_/breakdown/season/year/2023/sort/rbis
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