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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Hopefully less use of steroids and amphetamines as well.
  2. It's not the market it once was. Neither is Detroit.
  3. The question is would attendance be greater if they had kept a core together. I wouldn't trust the Cleveland attendance from the late 90's as a guide.
  4. Just checked and the youngest listed person for the Negro Leagues was 17. Dennis Biddle.
  5. Has to be from game footage. Good like finding a shot of Wilt.
  6. https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/02/20/orioles-jackson-holliday-offseason-training-program/ So you want him squatting 700 and deadlifting 600 before getting the call? I think folks are fooled by his baby face.
  7. I of course was in the majors at 20, it wasn't too young for me, you understand, but Jackson.... I'm not in favor of a junior member of the ownership group questioning the FO publicly. It isn't as if he called them to the floor of course but still, I don't think it's appropriate.
  8. And they got a ring. And extended Stras.
  9. SB Nation for the Pulitzer?
  10. I guarantee you anything he said about extensions would be brought up when player X was traded away or allowed to walk.
  11. Hoyt was just the first that came to mind. How about Lloyd Waner? George Kell? Rube Marquard? Former Oriole Harold Baines? For the record I don't think Stanton makes it with or without 500 HR, not in today's HoF voting environment.
  12. Having a "Gotcha" moment if you don't sign anyone. I'd rather they promise less and deliver more. But hey, at least he's not complaining about how he'll have to raise prices to keep anyone!
  13. I doubt it. Been some weird HoF inductions over the years. Heck, look at the fWAR of former Oriole Hoyt Wilhelm. https://www.fangraphs.com/players/hoyt-wilhelm/1013945/stats?position=P
  14. I think that if Gunnar had spent the 2023 season in Aberdeen instead of Baltimore he could have put up some numbers.
  15. Yes he is. And it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
  16. Got to love it, show you evidence and you still want to deflect. Starting to have a discussion about something is not the same as asking for change. Ordinarily discussion happens first. OK, how about this scenario? What if it comes out that the organizational philosophy is to put emphasis on making the playoffs as often as possible over sacrificing future competitiveness to increase the chances of a title in a one season scenario? If that is the ownership goal than the moves made at the deadline are right line with that. Stuff like that is why discussion is an important step.
  17. NO. I did not say that. Why is it so hard to accurately represent another poster's views? The comments are right there. RIGHT THERE I said he should not be replaced. I was asked point blank, I responded with no obfuscation and yet I'm accused of saying something different. RSNJ was even satisfied with the response.
  18. Padres always seem to have four to five guys they can trade.
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