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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I don't disagree but the O's are in a position in which they could share all those costs with the NFL team right across the street. So it's not quite as bad as you suggest.
  2. All the stats accumulate over the seasons. As does the reputation for being hurt. I don't want any fake trips to the IL on my record when I hit free agency or even when I get to arbitration.
  3. I agree that it seem intuitive. Thanks for the link.
  4. That one hurts to think about so it's probably a good choice. I think that Oakland would still want some type of lower minors pitching coming back.
  5. Is there a study showing that a guy that throws 100-102 is more of a risk than someone that throws 97-99 or 94-96?.
  6. Sometimes I do question what I think of as a poorly structured argument. In this specific case I'd fall somewhere between Basallo and Kjerstad. I don't think the one is enough and I wouldn't give up the other. I do think the cost to acquire him in 2024 would be high.
  7. Are you questioning my level of self awareness? I do play the devil's advocate on occasion when I think it's the best way to convey a point.
  8. Cool. I'd rather be the guy in the majors instead of the guy who knows Norfolk better than most of the Sailors stationed there.
  9. Sure, but it's a possibility. I'd say his value was pretty darn high already this offseason. Look at someone like Jesus Montero, top 5 prospect over multiple seasons (BA and BP). Ended up being a bust. You don't know until you know.
  10. Would you rather be Darell Herniaz or Conner Norby right now?
  11. So Basallo's elbow fracture issue isn't a concern going forward but Miller's arm is? I don't think you get to have both. You do remember Loewen right? His stress elbow issues can returning.
  12. If I'm Oakland I wait for a better deal from another suitor. Maybe get some pitching back.
  13. Whoo boy, you sure got me there! I had no idea that would be the low hanging response to my comment. Darn, I should have thought ahead.
  14. Maybe? Let's be honest, he was hyped to the moon this offseason and that might be his peak. We don't know he can stick at catcher. We don't know if his elbow issue will resurface. I agree that he's a fabulous prospect with a huge ceiling but he's not some stainless steel lock.
  15. If I got bent out of shape at work every time I've been meanmugged I'd be homeless.
  16. I've never been a Kjerstad believer. I think he's best suited to DH and I'm not sure the bat is special enough.
  17. I disagree but you are showing your work and I respect that. I think Miller would be worth a lot more to this O's team over the next few years than Kjerstad would be.
  18. I don't think that'd be fair at all. That's a significant underpay. I don't think you are rating Miller correctly.
  19. They don't need an excuse to send him down. They have no expectation of him looking good.
  20. I'm shocked his arm hasn't detached from his body pitching that quickly.
  21. Just no. Why? Do you want Soto injured? If that isn't it why? Soto is already getting it on social media for pimping during a loss. You think he's going to learn his lesson and stop acting out? There is no room in the game for intentionally trying to hurt other players. Stupid crap like that is all risk and no reward.
  22. It seems very clear to me that they promoted him to fill out the bench while an injured player is out. That is what happens with guys on the 40. He'll get regular at bats when the injured player is back on the roster and he goes back to AAA. He wasn't called up to start.
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