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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. i know that at every job I've ever had mandatory team meeting are a big hit.
  2. It looks to me as if he had a really large zone for both teams but had additional trouble when the running game was a factor in the play. To be honest that looked like a normal travel day strike zone from the 80's. Best be swinging boys, I got a plane to catch energy.
  3. Before or after taking pitches? Nothing more old school than bunting with two strikes.
  4. Should they be taking pitches or putting the ball into play early in the counts?
  5. If you have a team that doesn't have many leads the bullpen won't blow many games.
  6. If you want to call someone out for not having their facts sorted you might want to make sure that they are the one that is incorrect.
  7. I thought inside middle was where you were supposed to pitch him?
  8. I don't think he thinks it's as important. That it's just something that can be cobbled together on the fly.
  9. He's on the roster? My guess is Hyde was trying to build off his strong appearance last time out.
  10. I've been on both ends of a reliever coming in and not being able to throw a strike. I like this side better.
  11. So many things, but this time Kimbrel. You kept dismissing his decline when he's clearly been trending down.
  12. It's just funny how you'll keep defending him just so you don't have to admit you were wrong. Also, didn't someone here already make me a tombstone? If might have been while you were away from the board, you know the "golden age".
  13. It was a strike. It wasn't a bad pitch for him to offer at. Just like high and inside in the zone is a good pitch location to Francisco Alvarez.
  14. He does have to work with the bullpen Elias has given him.
  15. You are making it sound like a 92 MPH 4 seamer that gets all of the plate might not be a good pitch.
  16. Why we are at it, here is the "cookie" from the other night.
  17. Not at all. That wasn't a bad pitch for him to offer at. That wasn't a "pitcher's pitch" for him. Everyone is different you know. That pitch was right there at the .130/.115 spot. Certainly not idea but not something he should take so he can fall behind 0-1.
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