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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. They do get a bonus for playing the extra games.
  2. Yes. Mullins and Mountcastle are not expected to be available.
  3. Ideally he shouldn't be hitting against most lefties. Hyde has very few options today.
  4. I think if you have to look at all of it and so I'd remove Ohtani as any sort of a comp.
  5. Stuff like Deaf School? Could never get into them.
  6. It's harder to work counts when you take ball one and are behind 0-1.
  7. There is a really good reason for that.
  8. I believe the reports that I have seen that show Ohatani's contact is already in the black for the full amount.
  9. You pay for it one way or another. You pay money, you pay draft capital, you pay in prospects. The issue I have with trading prospects is the exchange rate, you are trading two or three for one.
  10. There we go, got some life. Knock him in Gunnar.
  11. All teams do. Being ahead is a good thing.
  12. There is just so much pearl clutching in baseball. Oh no, folks were using steroids? Oh no, folks were stealing signs? Oh no, folks were using spider tack? We had no idea.
  13. Just going to give you a heads up. It's kinda like a bell curve with me, eventually you'll get tired of my tropes and start not liking me again.
  14. They blame the former but it's probably more the latter.
  15. It's very possible that other folks have heard things and just didn't say anything. MLB was pretty obviously trying to get over the whole thing as quickly and quietly as possible. I wouldn't have what Crowley did.
  16. I imagine he still has contacts in the game. As for an axe to grind? Lots of folks are still pretty pissed off about the whole thing, I can see someone being annoyed that someone that they know (think) was involved got away clean.
  17. I think it's kinda gross to throw that type of speculation out there, but you be you. Wrong place, wrong time? What other time is he likely to have? How often does he get a mike and an audience? I'd be shocked to find out Elias wasn't at the very least aware of what was going on. If folks are going to get upset about it, they should be willing to accept that possibility.
  18. If he had actual evidence I have no issue with him taking advantage of a for him rare chance to speak to power. If he speculating that is something else. Imo if he was involved he should be smeared with the same brush as the others. (Despite the fact that I don't care that they cheated)
  19. Trumbo never hit the wall. He always pulled up well short of it.
  20. 0.923 WPA is the highest. Tony's HR was an inning early. The top 300 (at least) are all walk offs.
  21. I didn't like the Kimbrel deal. I pointed out he had faded late in the last two seasons.
  22. But Kimbrel didn't like questionable tweets when he was a high schooler.
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