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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I think he was halfway to decent. Maybe a third of the way to good.
  2. Which is who he has been all season. But hey, at least he hit the ball in the air.
  3. It's crazy, you'd think he was putting up 2018 Davis numbers.
  4. Shame they gave up a baserunner, I'd much rather be up 3.
  5. This is his highest rWAR season, his OPS+ is all of 2 points below his career average. He's who he is. He just isn't your boy Mayo.
  6. Force them? Good luck getting them to stop.
  7. Yes Roy, we know you for some reason don't like Mountcastle, you've made it very clear. Ahh, I got it, you think he's blocking Mayo. Now it makes sense.
  8. Don't try me, I'll post the Billy Ocean song.
  9. What did the Orioles do to get a bad karmic result? There isn't anything supernatural going on, it's just bad luck.
  10. So why would the cosmic concept of Karma favor them?
  11. Much better idea to trade 2-3 guys for them and then have them get hurt.
  12. What is the fascination with the Yankees? Why would karma be favoring the Yankees? This just sucks.
  13. Lots of folks living in the land of unrealistic expectations.
  14. Oh please, you've been anti Mountcastle for quite some time. Anyone that visits a game thread knows that. I also find it funny that somehow being an average ML player is an issue. He's tied for fifth in position player rWAR for the O's (7th overall). I have no problem at all moving him for an upgrade, but the idea that he's somehow the problem is laughable.
  15. With a guy that is 8th on the team in rWAR?
  16. It's the major leagues, they should get a robo ump perfect strike zone. It's stupid that they aren't rewarded for proper decisions. But yea, you have to adjust to that stupidity.
  17. I'm wasn't trying to gotcha it was just odd. I don't think he's doing nearly poorly enough to warrant being singled out. He is who he is, a pretty average ML 1B.
  18. I'm the opposite. That's the type of bad but not quite bad enough performance that keeps a guy in the rotation.
  19. Odd that you would say something in one post and then provide evidence showing you were incorrect immediately after. (Not saying you are incorrect since technically the SS you provided isn't covering the exact same dates you mentioned, but it's odd).
  20. So 71% of the time he makes an out? At 98 MPH it's probably higher than 71.
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