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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He's to the left of the red line. Further left than Adley.
  2. He's to the left of the red line. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/sprint_speed?min_season=2023&max_season=2023&position=&team=BAL&min=10
  3. They could have given him the swing sign right? That's still a thing?
  4. Speed doesn't equal range. Think back to Brooks or even Cal or Hardy.
  5. The 40 man thing isn't stopping Elias. You can fit him on the 40.
  6. Nintendo is the only company still pushing physical copies.
  7. I imagine his employer prefers it that way.
  8. Oh, you didn't then. Shame. It's keen. Nintendo does promo items when you buy physical copies. This one was a hip pack.
  9. At least he's still hitting well! Oh wait..
  10. Good chance if you look around you'll be able to find it for 10 bucks off in Nov/Dec.
  11. Yep. I'd rather someone complain about something other than someone else complaining. Do you think whining about someone complaining about something causes them to stop? Do you think anyone is going...man I sure want to post about Frazier but geez, I'm worried about getting hit with a dead horse comment? It's even less productive than a normal complaint. So yea, that's what I say, Chum.
  12. Excuse me, I gave you two answers. Seriously people bitching about folks beating dead horses is completely played out and a waste of time on par with whatever comment is being complained about.
  13. You've only been here (posting) a year. Folks have been complaining about the mistreatment of post mortem equines since before I joined. This Frazier stuff has only been going on a few months. It hasn't even reached Chance Sisco level yet.
  14. I think folks complaining about dead horses edges it out.
  15. How do you figure the worst case scenario is that he is probably better than Mountcastle? How does that work exactly? I'd say worst case scenario is he's a dh.
  16. It pains me to defend Sternberg but the Rays do care, at least a bit, about putting a winning team on the field. This isn't Oakland. You don't have a run of excellence like the Rays have by accident.
  17. This blurb was just outrageous and yes, it was commented upon.
  18. Teams that score more runs than they give up generally win more games over the course of a season than teams that are outscored. It isn't about what happened in one particular game. Frankly you sound like someone that doesn't like a thing because you don't like what that thing is telling you.
  19. Right. Even if 8M is a fair market value for his production it doesn't make it a prudent allocation of resources.
  20. Yep, it's an exact science all right. I also wouldn't use Henderson as a measuring stick as he retained rookie status.
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