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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. For me it's more of a consolation prize. I'd rather be wrong but at least I got something out of it.
  2. A quality cutter is a solid pitch. Lots of guy throw crappy ones.
  3. You know what I hear is good for that?
  4. Walk works. That fourth pitch was his chance to do something.
  5. Swinging at the low and outside slider....
  6. Mountcastle has been on an RBI tear recently. Not your ideal event but hey, it's a run.
  7. I was more nervous when the board went down for a minute.
  8. Side note, if anyone is looking for a challenging listen the new Hakushi Hasegawa album is it. It's under 35 minutes, which is good, I'm not sure I could take an hour of this.
  9. You had the chance to use COBY MAYO DAYO and you didn't. I'd delete my account in embarrassment.
  10. Very high reward. Sounds savior to me. If folks had said low risk moderate reward I wouldn't be here.
  11. To me rostering someone that performs at the level he has thus far is risk.
  12. League OPS is down so let's say 775. How impactful is a 775 OPS weak side DH with no foot speed over a two month period? Keep in mind that even when he's hitting well he isn't a guy that crushes lefties. Looking at the total package even if he stays healthy and hits it's a moderate bump at best.
  13. How is it very high reward? For that matter how is it extremely low risk?
  14. Anyone could have signed Cal when team control was over. I think it's the only way it makes sense.
  15. It's simple. A draft pick should only be graded on what they accomplished during the years of team control. A team has him for 6 or 7 years, that is how the pick should be graded.
  16. I think they went over because they failed to sign McLean and lost his slot money.
  17. If you re-sign or extend a guy that has nothing to do with drafting him. Draft picks should be viewed on what happens during the years of team control. Who cares what round Kimbrel was drafted in?
  18. Four years to get to .500 isn't some miracle job. That's nonsense. As for having "almost nothing", 40% of the current lineup is STILL pre-Elias.
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