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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Ah, OK. So many variations on the joke that I didn't get that was what you were going for.
  2. Oh I know the bit. That wasn't what I was confused about. I wasn't sure why you were making the reference in the first place. It's all good.
  3. You had plenty of room to improve...still do.
  4. Come on! You asked what "new ownership group of a sports franchise would come in and immediately want to be frugal and plan to get rid of their best player in the not so distant future" I gave you an example that was less than a decade old and somehow that's not good enough? They bought the team with leveraged money and skimmed profits off to pay it off. From day one the plan was to "be frugal and plan to get rid of their best player". How could you want a better example of exactly what you said wouldn't happen?
  5. I don't know, I've really fallen off on the volume these last couple of years and the quality was never that good. I'm clearly in my decline phase and I'm OK with that. I blame the lack of interaction on the music forum.
  6. He's got an O's hat on for some reason.
  7. Katherine Lee is Gunnar's fiance.
  8. Not sure what you are getting at. I called something gross and the reply was "It's just a joke bro!" as if that's an excuse. So I was asking them if jokes were someone exempt from being gross.
  9. Ego, desire to invest money in something incredibly stable. The Marlins were sold in August 2017 and they traded Stanton in December. Their team payroll was lower in 2018 than 2017. Maybe 2017 is too far back? Doesn't seem that long to me.
  10. Jokes can't be gross? I guess this book is a lie.
  11. The whole idea of Rubinstein offering a daughter as an enticement is pretty gross and I wish you'd drop it.
  12. They said "I'd give him anything" and then follow up with "It's not my money!". That's nonsense. And then when I give them an actual situation to respond to, we get nothing. Almost all of us would gladly give Gunnar a huge contract if it would somehow not impact the rest of the roster in a negative manner. It doesn't work that way.
  13. Oh, so you'd let someone else sign him to any contract. Got it. I was confused when you said you'd do it. Assuming the O's end up with say the 20th payroll in baseball, would you be willing to allocate 70M a year to one player?
  14. You'd do the Ohtani deal but without the deferred money?
  15. I don't think Miss Katherine Lee would be pleased.
  16. He's an old 27. He debuted at 23. His youth was one of the reasons I wanted to keep him over Mancini.
  17. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/baltimore-orioles-top-45-prospects-2024/ Basallo is up to a 60 grade.
  18. I wasn't speaking out against Elias at all. My point was simply that I don't think Richards gets enough credit. I think he's been lost to history to a degree.
  19. Boy are are bored and spoiling for a fight. Shame I don't feel like indulging.
  20. Dude, what is your problem? You just haven't had an argument with me in a few days so you want to give me blow back for posting links to BOOKS? That's just embarrassing.
  21. Mountcastle was 78th percentile in 2020 and he was bad in the outfield. Nolan Reimold was a sneaky quick guy and he was bad in the outfield. Speed is good and all but the proof is out on the field.
  22. But we can read. (Yes I know these are all sadly out of print and expensive and no, I haven't read the first one) https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Baseball-Strategy-Paul-Richard/dp/B000OM8WTK https://www.amazon.com/Wizard-Waxahachie-Richards-Baseball-American/dp/0870745565 Project Muse version of the second title. https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/17/article/214478/pdf
  23. I don't think Paul Richards gets the respect he deserves.
  24. Not sure being able to play first base adds that much. The team already has above average production at first. I'd rather he try and get, you know, decent in the outfield.
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