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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Great contract for the Cubs. But I agree, if he opts out two years from now, then what's the point? We'd want good Stroman when we are competitive consistently.
  2. No, SiNcE tHeY dOnT pLaY iN tHe aL eAsT, tHeY aRe aLlOwEd tO tRy tO bE gOoD!
  3. Depending on the contract, I expect to be jealous here. Ugh...
  4. What? We shouldn't sign good players because we may have prospects that may be good? I am not a fan of that logic. Sorry.
  5. The Orioles rebuild began in 2008 give or take, right? When they traded Bedard and Tejada? Would've been nice if our "2009" was in 2020.
  6. I agree. And while I would love Correa, I could see him getting something stupid. Like 12 years $375 stupid. Can't do that.
  7. I feel like I should get this joke... but I do not lol. Please explain?
  8. Indifferent to this move. I guess it's fine ala last year's Galvis move. Would be nice if the Orioles actually made moves to improve the baseball team.
  9. Sure, veterans that no one in their right mind will get excited over and that won't move the needle even a little.
  10. Interesting quote from the Rangers at the end of the season re: AROD's contract and their current approach to signing good players to supplement their young core: “The size of the contract that was given to Alex at the time, that wasn't so much the issue,” Daniels said at the Rangers end-of-season press conference. “It was that it was not consistent with the rest of the plan. There was not a continuing commitment to be able to build, whether that was to promote young players and develop them or to be able to add other key players externally. That didn’t really happen. “We're not looking to solve one player to be the finishing piece. But we're looking for players that can be part of helping to turn this around and really launch us to where we want to go and also that can help our young players develop as they get up here.” https://www.mlb.com/rangers/news/corey-seager-rangers-deal Disclaimer: I think the Seager deal was ridiculous. It is the process that I like, not the contracts themselves.
  11. Of course it would be nice. BuT wE cAnT aFfoRd iT.
  12. Literally half a billion dollars to the middle infield. (325+175) - absolutely bananas. Might bite them in the long haul, but for now, must be real fun to be a Rangers fan.
  13. LOL. This is true. It's a long, long stage though. ?
  14. It really, really sucks to be an Orioles fan.
  15. I agree, to an extent. Health-permitting, the pitching will be great. But it is fair to wonder if the offense was even upgraded significantly, and they are losing Conforto. On a related note, I would make a call to see if Dominic Smith could be had for cheap, especially if the Orioles are trading/N-Ting Santander.
  16. Good question/point. If I were him, I'd want to go to SF too. But the Orioles should be able to guarantee him a spot in the rotation when he returns. The Giants likely could, but not as clear cut.
  17. Definitely the kind of move the Orioles should make. Low risk potentially high reward. We shall see.
  18. It sucks. And for me personally, sure, signing Semien would have been stupid. But it would have likely made the summer more fun, and at the end of the day, this is a summer hobby. That's why I have trouble getting on board with rooting for losses over the summer, even though objectively, I know it is "best" for the team so they get a high pick.
  19. You are 100% right. Sadly, I don't think the goal is to be competitive in 2023.
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