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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Guess it's the classic "calm before the storm." Very, very calm.
  2. Right. It's bizarre that he is saying all of this so confidently, but no one... like, NO ONE else is saying anything. Of course, I wouldn't expect Roch to report anything, as he seems to get joy out of pouring cold water on this type of stuff. But you'd expect perhaps the national media to say something.
  3. More nothing really, but updating it since it is the Correa thread:
  4. A signing, albeit a pretty irrelevant one...
  5. Not by anyone but this one source. FWIW, I don't believe Roch or anyone else has poured cold water on it either, as Roch loves to do with national rumors.
  6. Means still waiting, for those of us, like me, who had to look it up. Wonder if he is still waiting on more news on the Orioles, still waiting on whether Correa and the Orioles will agree, or just waiting on Correa's decision. Noteworthy that he attached this tweet to the 2/28 tweet about Correa and the Orioles.
  7. Not surprising. Fun story to follow and root for though.
  8. Yeah, that would suck having to face him 19 times a year...
  9. Never ever occurs in the NFL or NBA either! Never.
  10. Even if/when the Orioles don't do anything, this will still be fun to follow. It should be reminiscent of the NFL/NBA free agency flurry that happens at the beginning of free agency.
  11. Some guy just responded to a tweet from Ramos to see if he has any more Correa news. OH wait, some guy is me.
  12. Hey, it's fun to at least think about until we hear he is signing with the Cubs or, god forbid, Yankees.
  13. FACTS. LFG. If this was truly the biggest "roadblock," you'd think they'd have an agreement by mid afternoon.
  14. Nice, for sure he can be included. A littleeeeeeee bit before my time though
  15. Nevermind on O'Day and Miggy, didn't see the retired for 5 years part.
  16. Koji almost qualifies, but was with the team for 2.5 years. I would add Conine, Rodrigo Lopez, Darren O'Day and Miguel Gonzalez
  17. Small Sample Sie, but Lopez seemed very comfortable-and good-in the pen last year. I don't think he has any value as a starter.
  18. Not saying you're wrong, but the Tigers did sign Baez before the lockout.
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