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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. And next offseason, they'll say the same thing. They aren't ready yet, be patient, and pass on available good players.
  2. We're baseball fans. This is a hobby. People want to enjoy their hobby. I get the frustration of sitting out the offseason and knowing we will again absolutely suck.
  3. Three years! Hooray for seven year rebuilds! I love when it takes as long as possible, and the team is absolutely god awful during those seven years. Fun being a baseball fan.
  4. Right. I would like to hear that the Orioles are at least trying to add someone like Stroman (or any other FA that might make sense, E-Rod, etc.), instead of deciding, before the offseason even starts, that they are going to sit out free agency. If the price is too high or he doesnt want to come here, then fine.
  5. Oh I agree. Not a very inspiring move. Just noting the flurry of moves.
  6. I'd say the same thing about Stroman, though it remains to see what kind of contract he will get. Rebuilding should not preclude the team from adding a good player when the opportunity presents itself. They need starting pitchers for when they compete, Rodriguez can't pitch every day.
  7. Avi Garcia to Miami for 4 years 53M it appears. Not saying I would do it, but there is another "rebuilding" team signing a legitimate major league player.
  8. I don't think anyone is screaming and yelling that the Orioles should have given Semien seven years. But I do think it shows that a rebuilding team should not be afraid to add elite talent (arguable if that is Semien) even if they are "rebuilding" when the opportunity presents itself.
  9. Exactly. We have the #1 pick this year, so more young talent is on the way. If the team sees a player out there that can help them now and during their upcoming winning years (hopefully), they should be aggressive and sign him. I am not saying Semien was that, and I am not saying I go to 7 years with him. But, it would be nice to fill a middle infield spot for the next 5-7 years and worry about other spots in the lineup.
  10. As I and many others have said on here before. You can rebuild, form a strong core of young talent, have an elite talent pipeline, AND try to not have the MLB team suck. It really is a novel concept.
  11. But but but... Elias is doing this the RiGhT WaY!
  12. Marcus Semien to TX on a seven year deal. I know he was great for Toronto last year, but wow.
  13. Yep. The Cardinals really are the team that a team like the Orioles should strive to follow. It's amazing that we have the "try and be like the Rays" crowd so strong in here.
  14. I think the Marlins are a good trade partner too. What are your thoughts on Sixto or Jazz as part of a trade?
  15. I wonder if the Orioles are giving up on Fry after last year's bizarre nose drive.
  16. Can't wait till we sign Tommy Millone and talk about his veteran presence and his "familiarity with Baltimore" as pros to bringing him in.
  17. Right. It does not have to be signing Matz for four years 44. I would've been lukewarm about that at best. But do something, be creative. I like Elias, I really do, but he has shown no ability whatsoever, in the slightest, to be creative in improving the MLB team.
  18. Agreed. Whether we like it or not (no one likes it), this team is addicted to dumpster diving and signing the Matt Harveys of the world uNtIl wE aRe ReAdy. It sucks.
  19. The Yankees DFA'ed him over the weekend, and have no released him. What do you say? OPS over 900 in 2020 in 160 PAs; OPS over .800 in 2019 in 225 PAs. While he is another righty in an outfield full of them, he has more talent and potential than Stewart. Worth a shot?
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