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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Assuming health, a competing rotation of Grayson, Hall, Means, Wells, Kremer/FA sounds good to me.
  2. Yep. Hopefully they can find some value for Santander, Mancini, and Lopez. Get Stowers up playing regularly, give Diaz a chance, and hopefully see a debut of one or more of Vavra, Westburg, and Henderson.
  3. And in fact, that game was also against Texas. An Orioles win against Vicente Padilla.
  4. Every time I see a highlight of Gunnar, it's him homering or doing something special off a lefty. The kid is special. And so young.
  5. Wells and Kramer for me. SSS of course. I used to feel best about Lyles lol.
  6. Smith has been disappointing. The jury is still out on Vavra and to a lesser extent, Nevin.
  7. Hopefully the long time closer if/when Lopez is traded next month.
  8. Roch is very bad in the booth. It's not his fault--he isn't a former player and doesn't have the insight that Palmer, Ben, and even Johnson have. Can't wait till Ben is back, he and Palmer are by far the best.
  9. Newman is cool, and I like her and think she should absolutely work in sports. She is knowledgeable for sure. That said, she is AWFUL at doing play by play. I am convinced that most people on this board would do a better job than her. I know I could.
  10. Gentry had a higher WAR than AJ and Trumbo? WOW, what a stat. I did not know that. I guess my mind has been kind to me and allowed me to forget.
  11. Good post. Maybe it's because I love watching baseball, but most games have been fun to watch this year. With that said, the Orioles should definitely be looking to trade Mancini, Santander and Lopez, who I think could fetch a good package, at the deadline and get more at bats for Stowers and possibly even Diaz if healthy. Things are definitely headed in the right direction. Thanks for posting.
  12. He has been struggling, no doubt. But there is no reason not to let him figure it out up here, with the MLB coaches. Keep working with him and reevaluate at the end of the season. Barring injury, he should start every fifth day or so through September.
  13. Sure, I have no problem benching one of the "Big 5" once a week. Nothing wrong with each of them getting an off day once a week, depending on matchups, etc. Put him in left and Hays in CF when Mullins is off. Put him in left/right when Hays/Santander is off. Put Santander at DH and Mancini/MC at first when the other is off. Easy Peasy.
  14. I don't THINK he stays. I just think that he should stay. Hays can back up centerfield, so McKenna is not needed for that. And Stowers is a better prospect than McKenna, he's 24, and he should get his chance to show what he can do.
  15. As a surprising new addition to the Richie Martin fan club (didn't see this coming), I was disappointed to see he is out of the lineup. I guess he can't play third?
  16. Starting in LF, batting 8th: https://www.mlb.com/gameday/orioles-vs-blue-jays/2022/06/13/661746#game_state=preview,game_tab=,game=661746
  17. Stowers should start every game this series, no excuse for him not to. Then, as SG said in another thread, keep him up and let him play.
  18. Agreed on all points. He definitely looks bigger to me.
  19. Haha, I follow the Norfolk box scores, but with my wife not being a baseball fan, I am lucky I can watch most of the Orioles MLB games
  20. This is true. In the Kremer thread, I lamented about how that throw cost Kremer an ER and likely precluded Kremer from finishing 6 innings.
  21. Kremer was meh at first, but seemed to get stronger as the game went on. Honestly, he could have pitched six shutout innings if Martin had made a clean throw on that double play grounder from Perez. I think it's safe to assume Hyde would have left him in for at least one or two more batters if they turned that DP. Tough break, but overall, he looked solid. I take him over Watkins every day of the week.
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