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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Sucks that a 2-0 lead is entirely insurmountable for this pathetic offense. But that is the feeling I have.
  2. OH yeah. Lots of 2-1, 3-2, 4-3 games. Aside from a random sweep I recall, also terrible in Anaheim.
  3. The O's always pitch well in Oakland. I remember Harvey was dominant at their place last year. Still fun to watch.
  4. Off days for Urias, Mateo, and Hays. Good god, the final five in the lineup is brutal. https://twitter.com/masnRoch/status/1516847635025432577/photo/1
  5. "John, how are you enjoying the rebuild?" "Fans should be real excited for the next several years, huh?" "Great to have fans back in the seat again, huh?" What is your favorite new food at Camden Yards?"
  6. Yup, more patheticness from a terribly run organization.
  7. Right, that's the tough part. Hopefully Mancini is traded soon, Santander and Diaz could then split the DH/LF at bats.
  8. I'd like to see him play every day up here, but I am probably in the minority.
  9. Yes. Looking forward to seeing if by June he can be extended to >5 innings per start. Could be a diamond in the rough as a starter.
  10. Dominating start. 3.2 innings, no runs, 7 Ks.
  11. https://giphy.com/gifs/cbc-funny-comedy-xk5vxDNaIhvzpWQzdT
  12. https://giphy.com/gifs/cbc-funny-comedy-xk5vxDNaIhvzpWQzdT
  13. Wow, that's crazy. I think this adds credence to his report. By namedropping Lopez, instead of saying "unnamed source with Orioles said..." I find it more believable. What a huge turn that would've been.
  14. Mullins Comp? .912 OPS last year, poor OPS in the shortened 2020 season. The Padres could be a good match for Mullins with their loaded system.
  15. But but but... what about the Spenser Watkins and Wade LeBlanc's and Tommy Millones of the world? They deserve love too!
  16. For this season, no glimmer. But for the development of the young core for future seasons, I absolutely see a glimmer. And I will be watching. Also cause I just like watching baseball.
  17. I love Trey, and the Orioles are, indeed, pathetic and a joke of MLB. But that does not, objectively, counsel against trading Mancini since he won't be here next year and could potentially fetch someone who can help in the future.
  18. Besides being a great story and Trey being a great guy what sense, baseball wise, does it make not to trade him? Whenever you get an offer that is fair for him (hopefully one player from a team's top 30?), you make the move. Wish Trey the best and hope he gets to play in the playoffs.
  19. Agreed. Along similar lines, I think Roch would have been genuinely upset if the Orioles spent big money on Correa or a big free agent this offseason. Probably relieved when Correa signed with the Twins.
  20. Right. Why can't they add players (who make sense, not just anyone) to the MLB roster, and if they and your incoming prospects play well, you have a pleasant predicament of multiple good players for a few positions. Trade them for pitching. Be creative in some way, shape, or form. Some people are convinced that the team has to be terrible and cheap until the prospects are ready. And another thing - we are people who like baseball. This does not have to be some soulless, objective exercise. My summers are more enjoyable when I am watching a winning MLB team. That simple.
  21. Next offseason people will say the same thing. Oh, we might have improved by a few games, but oh, just wait until NEXT YEAR (2024), then they will "really" be ready to spend and improve the team. And that will happen every offseason.
  22. They absolutely, 100% deserve an F. They can still "rebuild" without completely ignoring improvements to the MLB team. The two are far from mutually exclusive, despite what some people want to believe.
  23. I'm surprised the Yankees aren't in on Freeman at this time.
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