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Posts posted by Yardball85

  1. 10 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Maybe Hyde will shake things up, bat him ninth.

    Lol.  I noticed the other day he hit Sisco 7, Davis 8, and Hays nine.  When for many reasons, it would have made sense to bat him ninth for L/R reasons and because Hays is much better than him.  I think they are woried about hurting Davis's feelings batting him ninth. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Hyde has to play him more.

    There is literally no good excuse for not playing him everyday.  He can rotate with Severino between catcher and DH, with Nunez getting the majority of the starts at first base.

  3. 12 minutes ago, BohKnowsBmore said:

    The situation would be completely different due to the shifts employed, which is what enabled the runner to be halfway down the line in the first place. I guarantee that if the Phils nonsensically shifted like that against either of those two, with that amount of speed at third, AND two outs, I'm sure the O's would try the same thing. 

    I think it had a TON to do with Davis being up.  Sure, the shifts and whatnot helped, but if Santander was batting from the left side, and there were shifts, this likely does not happen.


    That said, I loved the play, especially with the awful Davis up at bat.  Almost worked.

  4. 1 minute ago, canonfaz said:

    I've only watched/listened to the TV broadcasts. I'd give Ben an "A" and Garceau a "C+" (right in the meaty party of the curve).

    Garceau is fine (and a million times better than Hunter), but he just doesn't bring enough enthusiasm, IMO.


    Hunter is an acquired taste lol.

    I did not have cable growing up, s Hunter's voice reminds of me of being seven or eight years old, coming home from day camp, and listening to an Orioles game in my room.  It's more of a nostalgia thing, but I like him.  Even though he's cheesy as hell.

  5. The 1-5 of Alberto Santander Nunez Ruiz and Severino is really fun to watch, and I was always excited for Hays' at bats last night in the seven hole.  Are they all long term pieces?  Too early to tell.  But for this bizarre year, taking everything in a vacuum, that is a fun offense to watch.


    Hopefully we start seeing more Sisco and Severino alternating behind the plate and the other at DH, with Nunez at 1B.

  6. Just now, Philip said:

    The problem with Norris wasn’t getting him, it was keeping him.

    If I recall, he made 11 or $12 million in arbitration, was a complete disaster, and was released about three months into the 2015 season.

    I am always an advocate of treating guys at their peak, and I think he should’ve been traded in the off-season, but the trade itself worked and no mistake.

    It is at best debatable IMO that one year of Norris was worth 6 years of Hader.  

  7. 3 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I’ve been asking myself what would Dan do? Of course, he would do what he’s told, but what would he probably have been told to do?

     i’ve been asking myself what would Dan do? Of course, he would do what he’s told, but what would he probably have been told to do?

    Sacrifice the future for the present, so he’d trade Zach Davies for Gerardo Parra.

    Sometimes it worked out: the Norris trade was fine. Other times not so much.

    Either way, I think everybody can agree that that’s not going to happen this year.

    Eh, trading Hader for Norris wasn't really fine.  Norris had a good 2014, but it cost us.

  8. With respect to Mountcastle... he can also get some starts at DH, with Nunez playing first and Davis riding the pine like last September.  Start him six times a week, 3-4 in left, and 2-3 at DH.  There's no rational reason not to let him learn LF in the majors  in this type of season.

    If it were up to me, he'd be starting in left and batting somewhere between 6th and 8th on Tuesday in Philadelphia.

  9. Wasn't sure this deserved it's own thread, but it might facilitate a smile and an "oh, interesting" from some OH'ers.


    Counting Friday nights as part of the weekend, the Orioles are 7-1 on weekends (and have won 7 weekend games in a row since the 13-2 debacle) and are 0-6 on weekdays.  Fluky thing in a fluky season, but fun nonetheless.

    More Weekend Games!

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  10. Who says they won't?  No one, but it was suggested by MLB's statement.

    If MLB is going to play in general, which I have mixed feelings about due to the risks, there should be no reason why they cannot resolve everything by gametime.

    And MLB hardly deserves a pass for anything at this point. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Aristotelian said:

    That's what I am saying. Even if Cobb could string together a half dozen good starts by the end of the month, is that enough to wipe out two years of inconsistency. It's not like he has ever been a dominant guy even at his peak. Even if some team is interested I doubt we get anything back besides salary dump.

    Two years of inconsistency?  He made three starts last year.

    He is an average starter with a reliable track record and is not owed an exorbitant amount of money.  I think the Orioles could trade him, eat a little money, and potentially get a team's top 20-30 prospect.

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  12. 22 hours ago, Chavez Ravine said:

    I don’t like it, but I like 16 inning games, which is perhaps not normal. I like marathon games in any sport. I think the Caps-Islanders Easter Epic left a scar on my psyche.

    If your goal Is just to get the game over with, there are a lot more fun and interesting ways to do it. NashLumber can provide consulting. 

    I'm with you on that.  I can understand a manager not liking it, but I like those games for the uniqueness of them and the strategical decisions that go into them.  Orioles at Mariners from 2012 comes to mind anecdotally for me. (Teagarden winner?  Not sure if memory serves me right)

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