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Posts posted by Yardball85

  1. On 11/21/2020 at 1:43 AM, Sports Guy said:

    I don’t see it as a conundrum because you have no one who is a definite and you should be cutting Davis as soon as you know when the season is starting.

    You could have gone to arbitration, agreed with him on a number and then cut him in ST and only be on the hook for 20% of the salary.  Without knowing what’s happening with Mancini or several of the COers, that’s a small price to pay for a productive insurance policy.

    I agree he’s the lowest upside in terms of being an all around player but he has value and 800 OPS/30 homer guys don’t grow on trees.

    Agreed.  From the standpoint of "we are trying to field the best baseball team we can" (which seems to be what the Orioles are at least pretending to do) cutting Nunez before Davis is maddening and stupid.

  2. On 10/1/2020 at 3:52 PM, Frobby said:

    Simple over/under poll, closing Nov. 2.    The O’s 2020 record of 25-35 projects out to 67.5 wins over 162 games.    What’s your early take on whether they will be over or under that number next year?

    On the positive side, the O’s have improved their winning percentage fairly significantly in each of the last two years.   They’re a fairly young team that can get better with experience.    If they’re lucky, one of their best hitters (Mancini) comes back.    There are some prospects who can help the club next year, in addition to the guys who barely got their feet wet this year.   And, their Pythagorean record (28-32) was better than their actual mark.

    On the other hand, the O’s did not finish strong.   14-16 the first half, 11-19 the second.    Not a good trend there.   It’s not unusual for bad teams to wear down as the season progresses, and this year was so short that the decent start has outsized influence on the overall record.    I also think the expanded roster size worked to the O’s advantage, as they were able to shorten the starts, rely more on relievers and shuttle pitchers off and on the roster.    There will be less opportunity for that next year.

    So, what’s your early take?   Obviously there will be roster moves made in the next six months that will influence things, but I doubt we’ll see anything that dramatically changes the team.



    Slightly over.  68-72 wins.

  3. 4 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    I was thinking the same thing last night.  A good weekend and he may be able to get his OPS close to 800.  

    Shame he missed that time.

    For all the love Mullins is getting, he is still a sub 700 OPs guy with good but not great defense.  Hays should still be the starter in CF from day 1 and I think he will be.  

    Agreed. Mullins is a fine fourth outfielder who can fill in when injuries hit, etc, but Hays is a better player and should be the CF of the future, provided he can stay healthy.

  4. Just now, Sports Guy said:

    It happens all the time that a MLer drops a ball like DJ did last night.  That being said, he’s still a guy you prefer to be a DH while playing the OF at times.


    This.  Sucks that it happened, especially with Akin on the mound, but it happens.  Next year, I could see an alignment of Santander, Hays/Mullins, Mountcastle, with Stewart splitting time between DH and LF, Mancini between 1B and DH, and Mountcastle between LF and 1B.  So I think there are DH at bats available for DJ next year.

  5. 50 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

    I agree, I doubt he is streaky just had one Jack Cust HR streak. Someone please post the latest dropped fly ball from last nights game. I don't believe I have ever seen a ML outfielder who has on multiple occasions closed his glove before the ball made contact thus having the ball boink off the outside of the glove. He has no place on a ML roster. Why would we lose Fulmer who we obviously have interest in to keep Stewart on the 40 man. Seriously this guy couldn't play OF for one of the better city slow pitch softball teams. 

    If you think Fulmer has more value to this team than Stewart, then I don't know what to tell you.

  6. 22 hours ago, Philip said:

    I have a student named Drew. It never occurred to me to ask if it was short for anything. His sister is named “Jorja” which I thought was “Georgia” until she was mentioned in a text from mom.

    Boy, that kid is gonna have a devil of a time, all life long, with folks spelling her name wrong.

    Poor girl :/

    Also, Phillips last night.  Yikes.  

  7. 23 hours ago, Philip said:

    I was almost named Andrew, but my parents decided against it because they didn’t like “Andy”

    Apparently, they had no issues with “Phil,” which I loathe.

    Haha.  My parents don't like "Andy" either. Or "Drew."  They would get upset when friends and teachers would call me either.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    I think I heard Big Ben say that the Os starters had allowed 1 run or less in 10 of the last 17 games.  As you pointed out, there have been other games where they only allowed 2 or 3 runs as well.

    It really boils down to one thing, for the most part.  The IF stinks.  The Os  flat out need more IF talent.

    This.  The infield is just terrible, aside from Iglesias (who won't be here when we have our next competitive team). And no depth whatsoever in the high minors, aside from Bannon, who might not be better than what they have.


  9. 9 hours ago, Philip said:

    Thank you for the information. Small sample size, sure, but it still does reinforce that he’s meh at best. 
    They gave Wojo what a year and a half? And he’s not actually gone yet. I don’t see any need to keep Phillips.

    I hope the Orioles do see a need to keep Phillips.

    Also, does the dislike have anything to do with the fact that you guys share a name?  My name is Andrew, but I love Mark Andrews.

  10. 1 minute ago, Philip said:

    Because he’s sucked so far. He has moments of competence surrounded by eons of terrible. He could be many things, but what he is is terrible he is probably also expendable which is why I don’t expect to see him around in January.

    It's absurd to call him terrible.  Has he lit the world on fire? No.

    20 strikeouts in 14.3 innings this year.  3.14 ERA.  Small sample size? Sure.

    But 2018 and 2019 were also small sample sizes, where he didn't pitch great in small periods of time.  He has always had good K numbers, and had a 1.99 ERA in AAA in 2018.  He's fine s a fifth or sixth reliever who can average over 1 strikeout an inning and hopefully, post a sub 4 ERA.

  11. 4 hours ago, Philip said:

    Thank you for this list. Most of these grades must be considered incomplete at this time.

    Kremer looks like a solid win. If he continues like this it will compensate for all the dross we acquired in those trades.

    Phillips is a dud. Even the worst pitcher has a “dead cat bounce” now and then. He’s terrible, and I’ll be surprised if he’s here in January.

    Tate hasn’t done much to dispel doubts. That whole return is looking like a loss.

    Zimmerman gets an “I” ATM, but I’m hopeful he’ll do well.

    Villar makes the Schoop trade a win, even if that’s all we get.

    What akes you so confident Phillips is a dud?  He's nothing incredibly special, but could be a solid middle reliever for the Orioles.

  12. 3 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

    The Yankees have some legitimate issues long term. Ton of money to Stanton who can’t stay healthy, Judge can’t stay healthy. Sanchez will be gone in a couple of years. Torres is young but rest of lineup is older in general.  

    Yeah.  Agreed.

    If only Sanchez's contract was as awful as Davis's is for us.

  13. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I'm not disagree that he's currently the best option.  I'm just stating that we might not have a good option for Center Field right now.

    I agree with that.  I think a lot of the Hays hype is based on the 19 game stretch last year, the incredible minor league season he had in 2018, and our hopes that he becomes a stalwart here.  It is surprising to see how poor his offensive numbers were, though.  I felt like he played much better than a .519 OPS and a -0.2 WAR in general.

  14. On 9/9/2020 at 9:26 AM, Can_of_corn said:


    Folks around here talk about Hays like he's a sure thing if he can only stay healthy.

    I don't see how he is.

    He was bad in 20 games in 2017.

    He was good in 21 games in 2019.

    He was bad in 19 games in 2020.

    Look, if Santander could play center and open up RF for Diaz/Stewart, I would be all for it.  I just think Hays is our best option in CF right now, no offense to Mullins.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I think the outfield for the rest of the season should be Mountcastle, Mullins, Stewart.  And Mason Williams the 4th outfielder.  

    I'm pretty much ready to give up on Hays, he just can't stay healthy.  Hays is better than Mullins for sure but it doesn't matter if he can't get on the field.  

    I think Roch's blog yesterday indicated that Hays should be back next week.  Mullins has been a very pleasant surprise this year, and will make a good fourth OF down the stretch with Hays back in CF IMO.

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