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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. If you keep Davis, you can only get to under 50 million by cutting or dealing all of Villar, Cobb, Givens and Mancini....replacing them with minimum salaries players would cut about 30 million to get to about 47 million. You cannot really realistically get under 45 with Davis still on the 25 man. 23 million for Davis leaves 22 million for the remaining 24 spots...at 580k minimum times 24...the absolute low bar with Davis on the 25 would be 13,920,000 added to Chris’s 23 for a total of @almost 37 million...and that would be if ALL players were at minimum except Davis...which is absurd. I know we still owe Davis whether he goes or not, but I am just talking about the payroll of the active 25 man roster salaries going into or through 2019...not future owed salaries of players not on the 25 man ...or past debts, etc.
  2. agreed...though it sounds as if owner John Middleton directly fired Kapler himself over Klentak’s opinion and is likely to be more active in the new manager hire than is probably good. Sort of like a certain owner we all know was too involved in hiring and firing previous managers.
  3. Seems like this may not even be Andy’s call...as owner John Middleton apparently made the call to fire Kapler, over the objection of former O employee and now GM Matt Klentak and apparently Andy is nowhere to be heard from according to the Philly media. If this becomes an owner reaching out to do the hire, then that would be certainly right up Buck’s wheelhouse. Sounds like a bit of a mess in Philly right now though. https://www.thegoodphight.com/2019/10/8/20904348/who-do-you-trust-to-run-the-phillies
  4. “And none of those Dominican Republic teenagers either. “
  5. Philly fans would love his Earl imitations...as did I.
  6. Buck’s number still in Andy’s contact list you think?
  7. Yes, the team was going to go somewhere after the McGraw and Johnson blowup, but the AL franchise officially was still in Baltimore. And our karmic forces also include the fact that the Babe was part of our replacement IL team too...no, we risk much by stirring up the Ghosts of the Bambino, Ban Johnson and John McGraw by switching leagues... ”The Orioles name has a rich history in Baltimore, having been used by a National League team in the 1890s. In 1901, Baltimore and John McGraw were awarded an expansion franchise in the growing American League, naming the team the Orioles. After a battle with Ban Johnson, the Head of the American League in 1902, McGraw took many of the top players including Walter Scott "Steve" Brodie, Dan McGann, Roger Bresnahan, and Joe McGinnity to the New York Giants. As an affront to Johnson, McGraw kept the black and orange colors while going to the New York Giants, which San Francisco wears to this day. In 1903, the franchise—the remaining players, assets and debts, the corporation—was transferred to New York where they were nicknamed the Highlanders until circa 1912, by which time Yanks or Yankees had taken over as their popular moniker. As a member of the high-minor league level International League, the Orioles competed at what is now known as the AAA level from 1903 to 1953; the IL Orioles' most famous player was a local Baltimore product, hard-hitting left-handed pitcher Babe Ruth. ” Wikipedia Jan. 9, 1903: Frank Farrell and Bill Devery purchase the Baltimore franchise of the American League for $18,000 and then move the team to Manhattan. Yankees.com official history media site.
  8. No, I prefer defeating the Yankees and Red Sox rather than fleeing. The original Orioles were purchased in 1901 and left the National League, went to NY and became the Highlanders then later renamed Yankees in 1913 in the new upstart AL. We are to the Yankees what the St. Louis Browns are to us. I remember something also about that Babe guy, born right next to Camden Yards, then he first went to that Red Sox team, then sold to the Yankees where he was pretty good. Oh, except for the Curse of the Bambino left behind on the Red Sox for 86 years. Then there was the young guy we had on shortstop for all those years who broke that unbreakable record by the Yankee guy who Gary Cooper played in the movie. We would be tempting all the cosmic baseball gods with such a move. Nay, nay...a thousand times nay.
  9. Actually Namath wore panty hose...Palmer was the Jockey underwear spokesman for years. This commercial was not approved by Orioles or MLB so you see Ripken wearing a 9 of an unknown uniform and Dempsey too.
  10. Buck may very well end up with the Mets. As if I care.
  11. The guys we had were winning us nothing, so getting rid of them cost us nothing really.
  12. Its ok...as long as they saw him pitch. At his peak, he was the epitome of the ace- the guy, the man...the one the other team hoped not to face.
  13. He knew that and that is part of why he would often just pitch to contact rather than trying to strike everybody out. But his ability to locate was a difference maker so weak contact was a frequent outcome.
  14. Palmer pitched to what he needed to be most effective. If he needed Ks, he got them.
  15. Boog fell rapidly but I don’t think it was anything like the Davis decline. The platoon part was also driven by the Orioles getting Earl Williams in 1973 who came with a lot of hype and needing a place to play him in 1973 and 1974 when he wasn’t catching, And Boog was not happy at all with that decision which also contributed to him being traded. He was injured the year after his good age 33 season with Cleveland and then hung it up after a limited backup season in LA.
  16. Like Davis when he was good, Boog also hit the long balls to opposite field when doing well.
  17. Apples and oranges. Boog was AL Comeback Player of the Year in his age 33 season of 1975 for Cleveland. He had been traded by the Os as Frank Robinson was the Cleveland manager and strongly supported getting him. He hit 27 HRs and .297 BA that season unlike Chris Davis....the following year he had a torn thigh muscle that limited his playing time and was traded in the offseason to LA for his last season where he was mainly a backup for Steve Garvey and pinch hitter, then he retired. Plus, he has sold a lot of Miller Lite and BBQ since then...lol.
  18. As Yogi would say..."He's a good hitter, except he ain't."
  19. It is always good when we have a player comment on our board. Thanks, Chris for the comment and welcome to the board. Lol.
  20. Fun facts...if Davis worked a 40 hour week, around the year...he would make 12,234.04 dollars per hour. Or getting paid every two weeks all year (not just the season) would bring a paycheck of $978,823 every 2 weeks to the Davis home.
  21. Amazing how our team which was always usually a nonparticipant in big time free agency ended up with arguably the worst contract in free agency history. Just ironic.
  22. If it were 2 years from now...yeah. Now, no.!
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