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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. Mayo in the Colton, Holliday adjustment mode of “oh I have never played baseball …ever” .
  2. Note to DR: Sign Corbin. Now thank you
  3. We are just bound and determined to throw this game away.. bad throws, giving completely uncontested steals, drops, blown ump calls .. yuck .. totally yuck
  4. I don’t know about you all but I am totally unimpressed with the Kid’s defense at 2b . Range, errors, drops, throws .. Knocking that ball down like Mateo would have done saves a run
  5. I am really tired of watching Cedric at the plate.. he can walk at end of year
  6. I thought Angel Hernandez retired… did CB Bucknor sneak behind the plate? Worst HP umpiring I have seen all year
  7. I so want robot umpires.. we should be up 5-0
  8. We are in a pennant race .. so the prolonged initial .100 averages of Colton last year, Holliday, now Mayo.. are going to lose us a number of games till they start to produce. We are going to sooooo miss Westburg and even Mateo
  9. How can they pitch to VG there?
  10. How long do we keep letting this guy go?
  11. Whose idea was it Westburg can play short? Never again
  12. Povich is not a big league starter
  13. Westburg is a disaster at short.. Mateo absence frlt big time. Pivich is not an answer to any daggone thing
  14. I went to first WS in 1966.. we gave up Milt..so yeah, at my age? Anyone!!
  15. It happens… on hot sunny high sky days .. he read it as sinking and wanted to prevent a loss by having it dropping in front and instead it sailed.
  16. Montel Williams was my senior class president in high school and we ran track together
  17. So what team will spend the money? Dodgers? Yankees? Rangers? If it is not a good idea from a baseball standpoint , why would other teams do it?
  18. His offense is nonexistent.. defense only
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