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Everything posted by oriole

  1. I agree. I don’t think he’ll hit particularly well nor do I believe his defense will be worth keeping his bat in the lineup. I’d love to be wrong though
  2. Maybe a DH role is his future but he looks clumsy as hell in the OF.
  3. I doubt it matters a whole lot outside of this year and maybe next year. I think Mountcastle will end up a regular 1B/DH and Stewart will probably end up being designated by the time his options are all used up.
  4. That’s a shame. I didn’t necessarily expect big things from him but it’s have been cool to see him play alongside Iglesias. That’d have been some nice infield defense with Ruiz at third and Davis at first.
  5. Mark Reynolds made a pretty decent career out of it ?
  6. No, definitely not certain that Hays and Harvey will be any good but I think they’re at the top of most people’s lists of Orioles prospects who are ready to make the jump to MLB and could have success. I just wanted to stray from the obvious answer since it wouldn’t feel like a surprise if either of them did well.
  7. I’m going to assume “pleasant surprise” means something along the lines of “unexpected surprise” so that counts out Hays and Harvey for me. My choice will be DJ Stewart since it seems he has lost the confidence of most people I talk baseball with. I think he could be sneaky productive with a high OBP and a little power. If I remember correctly (not guaranteed) he is also quicker than you’d expect so maybe he can turn some long singles into doubles and steal a few bases while he’s young.
  8. Watch Hays and Mountcastle tear it up this year and we get some average-ish pitching and guys like Ruiz and Sisco figure out major league hitting...this could be a .500 team if everything goes right and a bunch of stuff goes wrong for other teams. I wouldn’t count on it in a regular 162 game season but 60 games is pretty short and baseball is a funny game. im not saying I would bet on it or anything lol...just seems like a possibility.
  9. Realistically (if there is a season) I think they’ll stick with Davis unfortunately. I’m thinking Davis plays most days at 1B and Nunez at DH. Possibly Nunez gets time at 3B and that could open up some DH at bats for Mountcastle. I wish someone would teach Mountcastle 2B. If Pearce can do it then why not Mountcastle? He played some SS and 3B so it shouldn’t be terribly different. But considering I’m a nobody and the professionals haven’t tried it then I’m sure there’s a good reason. Still...that’d be awesome.
  10. I’d like to see Mountcastle out there. There’s nowhere else for him to play and I think he’s ready for the mlb level.
  11. I voted B. I was pretty perturbed at first but I think the strategy is solid overall. I still think you just go best player available in the first round though
  12. Wow. Another outfielder. This is turning out to be a head scratcher of a draft. I’ll trust that Elias knows what he’s doing. No reason to tank his career but holy crap, this seems like a joke so far.
  13. Id rather have Pearce than Reynolds even with the home runs. While Pearce was no gold glover he could at least hold his own at multiple positions. Reynolds was a black hole in the infield and if he wasn’t hitting the ball out of the park or walking he was basically an automatic out. Not my favorite type of player to watch.
  14. Seems as though it’s Hays’ job to lose. I have high hopes he holds onto it. Alberto is a good option vs lefties but if Hays is doing well I wouldn’t push it.
  15. Are we the Dodgers now? I don’t foresee that happening. Sure I’d cut him but it’s not my money. If Davis isn’t cut, Trumbo wasn’t cut, Ubaldo wasn’t cut...I mean I know it’s a hypothetical situation we’re talking about but it just doesn’t make any sense to me.
  16. Where the hell would Myers even play? We’re overwhelmed with DH/1B guys and the only positional strength we have in the farm is upper minor OF prospects. Count me as a hard pass on this particular what if scenario. If it was for an overpaid 3B or 2B then I can see the appeal in taking a bad contract in return for some prospects but Myers would be a huge mistake.
  17. I had high hopes for Sisco as a prospect. Those have since dwindled considerably. It’d be nice if he didn’t have to play behind the plate. We’ve really been handcuffed with DH/1B type players it seems.
  18. If he can get 120 innings with an ERA under 5 I’ll consider a success.
  19. Machado better watch out. Tim Beckham is coming for his job.
  20. A bye in baseball is sort of silly. A team can be on a roll and then it’s gone after not playing a full week
  21. Solid point. Though I think some sort of stabilizing presence even if just a veteran who seems to stay engaged in the games day in and day out is beneficial for everyone. Cashner seemed to have a good team mate quality that I can’t back up but I feel like when he was on the team he was always watching the game by the rails in the dug our. Sure, not the best pitcher and he will cost a few million but I like him. I think it’s bad for everyone to be throwing out guys like Hess or Eschleman (sorry if spelled wrong) or forcing players who aren’t quite ready. But your point stands that on a team that’s going to be one of the worst anyways probably shouldn’t spend money unnecessarily.
  22. I don’t see the harm in signing him. I think it’s a mistake to assume Cobb will be healthy and Le Blanc or Wojo have much to offer. Probably a mistake to assume Cashner has much left to offer either but if throw enough quantity out there then hopefully at least one sticks, right?
  23. I think that’s absolute best case scenario. I’d love to see it but I highly doubt it happens.
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