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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. Already at number 4 i think on last World Series appearance.
  2. SHH don't say this on the Orioles subreddit. That place is the deftition of toxic positivity.
  3. Hey Mercedes was the talk of baseball for like 3 weeks some odd years ago
  4. 54/3 is a lot for someone who will only start against lefties
  5. People keep counting out the pointless veteran like Kolton Wong we will sign this year
  6. Rochs article this morning already said its going to be interesting what the do with Santander given he may make north of 12 million. Its going to be a long depressing offseason if 12 million is breaking the bank
  7. 3/4 remaining teams have top 10 payrolls. Even the Dbacks have a payroll of 119 million….
  8. I said in the game thread. It will be Kenta Maeda and Kolton Wong. Then a rule 5 bullpen arm, but its ok he has StUFf and throws fast,
  9. Who else is ready for major sigings of Kenta Maeda and Kolton Wong this winter?
  10. I never want to hear about the Sweepless Streak ever again, it means jack squat
  11. Or the O's could just not choke and play better
  12. Can't wait fror Fraizer in the lineup tonight and free swining Hays batting 5th
  13. Everyone in MLB thinks our bullpen is some strength. It has been mediocre all year outside of Felix. Felix was the entire bullpen that they literally pitched him until his arm broke. Its only been recently that Wells, Hall, and Perez starting pitching well
  14. Wells or Hall should of came in after Grayson or Coulombe. USE A STOPPER!
  15. Kind of disgusting how much they are at face value. Like how much were lower level seats on Orioles.com before they were sold out? Especially close to homeplate
  16. no, Adley should be catching every game
  17. You can watch Fox games online on foxsports.com and use the free trial that lasts an hour. Watch in an icognito tab and when the trial is over close the window and open it again. kind of works the same for the Roku app. Watch the free trial and then delete the foxsports app comepletly and then re install
  18. True, but concerts get moved all the time
  19. They really should just move the concert to Monday night. But that is probably up to Billy Joel
  20. I am sure the O’s get screwed somehow. There is no way they can have the game and concert at the same time
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