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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. I look forward to the twice a week lineups featuring a bottom 4 of Mateo, Franchy Cordero, McCann, Fraizer. Maybe they actually man up and get no hit this year
  2. What's the point? We will just get the same tired BS excuses next year too. Especially after we finish .500 or worse.
  3. As soon as Nimmo signed that deal I said we are going to say bye bye to Mullins. Everyone knows the O's won't pay him that. Hell that probably still won't want to pay anyone at that point
  4. Mateo goes to then bench where he belongs as a utility guy
  5. No Westburg should be the opening day 2B. Fraizer will block him and Wetburg will be in AAA until mid June. I look forward to when the young SS are called up and Hyde still has Frazier in the lineup every day
  6. Please trade Mateo so people can get over their obsession with him
  7. Oh good more guys who Hyde will never play and a AAAA player
  8. It doesn't match up with some magical timeline Elias has in his head. Then again no matter what happens this season, my guess is they do the same crap next offseason as well
  9. wasn't he going to be the centerpiece of the Brian Roberts to Cubs deal?
  10. Imagine using the word "splash" in any sentence talking about the Orioles
  11. Bring up young guys starts their clock, we will need them around for when we punt in 2029
  12. Psh you know they will just platoon one of them
  13. Doesn't seem like switching ballparks would do him much better
  14. Imagine the reaction when they (jays) do trade for Lopez and they will get them for less than what people thought. I am ready to rage
  15. Cole Irvin from the A's could probably be had cheap
  16. This is the Orioles. You have to pay them to work there, and you can only work there for a year because you won't be good at your job after the first year
  17. Only to be sellers at the deadline again because we "don't match up well" We finish with 78 wins and then next offseason its rinse -repeat excuses
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