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DrinkinWithFermi last won the day on January 10

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About DrinkinWithFermi

  • Birthday 10/18/1983

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    Further North, MD
  • Interests
    Poetry, Baseball, Writing, Music, etc.
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    Retail Manager
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Nick Markakis
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken Jr, duh.

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  1. Repeating this over and over doesn't make it any less dumb. It's still just as dumb as the first time you said it (which is MUCHO btw).
  2. And Kevin Gregg did that not once, not twice, but thrice. He also finished his career with a 4.24 ERA and a WHIP of 1.39, both of which are actually better than Soto's career marks to this point (4.31 and 1.44).
  3. That has absolutely nothing to do with what you said. Mike Elias wanted Rogers and, contrary to your baseless assertion, he most likely wasn't actually going to be available in the offseason because several other teams wanted him too and the Marlins were selling off whatever they could, so he traded for him at the deadline. Who cares? Mike Elias has shown in the past that he isn't afraid to send a guy he just traded for to Norfolk if he thinks it will be beneficial in the long-run (see: Irvin, Cole). Why would he enjoy it? It will still be a BAD TRADE
  4. The Mets, for one. I guess you're just more knowledgeable about baseball than Mike Elias and David Stearns though And making an objectively stupid statement and then saying "no more arguing about it" as if that is some sort of magical auto-win trump card only works if you are talking to the mirror alone in your bathroom. In the real world, people are going to push back on you when you say something as dumb as what you said. I liked the trade at the time and still do, because I don't think Mike Elias is an incompetent idiot like you seem to. Acting like the book is written and the ink is dry right now, when we got 2.5 years of control and it has barely been one full month, and getting all butthurt about it like you are, is the pinnacle of hysterical. Again, take a deep breath and let's see how he looks after they have an entire offseason to tinker with him.
  5. The multiple MLB GMs who were reported to be bidding on him at the deadline seem to disagree. It's simply far too soon to give the trade a final grade. We traded for 2.5 years and it hasn't even been 0.5 of a year yet, so take a deep breath and stop acting hysterical.
  6. lol wut Did you copy and paste the wrong quote or something?
  7. So it was a bad trade even if it turns out to be a good trade. You're right, no one could possibly dispute logic that airtight.
  8. I really hope Slater isn't chasing after high school girls at his age. Just ask Wander Franco about how that kind of behavior turns out...
  9. Judging the Rogers trade right now is really, really, REALLY silly. It's like judging a draft pick based on 15 games in Low A in his draft year. Whether or not it was a good trade won't be known for awhile yet.
  10. You don't, but never let facts get in the way of rageposting lol.
  11. In your opinion. I happen to disagree, as does Mike Elias.
  12. The really smart and successful professional baseball people who actually get a say in what moves the Orioles make seem to be pretty confident that Rogers can be fixed, otherwise they would not have beat out the multiple other teams who were also reported to be bidding on him to complete the deal.
  13. A 3.6 WAR season (150 games) in a 5.3 WAR career (445 games) sure looks pretty outlier-ish to me.
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