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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Eh, they are? If you say so. And other than the guys I listed, who’s “coming on”? Martin has a nice average, but not much hard contact, so I’m dubious as to whether that continues. Mancini? Maybe, but I’m fine with them parting ways. RM is a younger, cheaper and better version of Mancini. Severino? No thanks. How about Santander? He’s been better in the 2nd half, but he isn’t healthy and hasn’t produced except in a shortened season. And I was excited about him before that. I hope he heats up in the last two weeks and another team sees a glimpse of what’s he’s been. I like McKenna as a 4th guy in the OF, but he has to hit a lot better to even get a whiff of more regular playing time. (One of the areas where I think Hyde has “managed” his usage effectively. Mateo? liked what I saw, but need to see more. Wynns is a back up at best. Gutierrez has looked great at times, iffy at others and he hasn’t hit. Rotation candidates are all questionable except Means and that includes Akin, Ellis, and Zimmerman. The others are not ML pitchers. Stay focused on the goal, I believe in you! ?
  2. Right, “Means business”, can only do so much. Plenty enough ways for the rest of ‘em to screw things up, though. Well, minus Mullins, Hays, and Mountcastle.
  3. Busy work day, so I’m currently watching the archived game. The great thing about that is after them scoring all the runs that would be scored I can basically ff all the top half of the innings so I can focus on Means’ start. It helps after a long day.
  4. So, he needs to pitch better? ?
  5. Agreed. No indication one way or the other, which, is also frustrating for many of the fan base.
  6. Ok, but your rhyming skills need work.
  7. So, as a seller, wouldn’t that be a reason to maximize profit, especially in a business for which you had little interest in its overall success? Demand for a team in a profitable sports league is high. And they will have made a boatload of money compared to the purchase price.
  8. Freakin’ Greene! Sure enough, as soon as I say I like his stuff it’s the death knell for his next performance!
  9. The White Sox don’t have to make excuses as to why they’re not using him if he’s suspended. ?
  10. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2021/09/mlb-suspends-mike-wright-tony-la-russa.html I never get it with marginal guys like Wright who think they ingratiate themselves to their teammates by throwing at premier talent. Sure, that’s speculative, but I’ve been around guys who did it. Pitch better, hit better and don’t be a jerk. When guys threw at me I was appreciative of the free base after being hit.
  11. If I cared I’d delete the post about Baumann starting in Lowther’s place. Sheesh
  12. And not that Baumann is a huge upgrade, but could they give him the start next time since he and Lowther are on the same schedule?
  13. And that would have made perfect sense, but it’s also early with runners at 1st and 2nd, not 2nd and 3rd with a guy who’s also struggled to hit ML pitching this year. The move by the Red Sox should have been foreseen and the upgrade is questionable at best in that situation.
  14. Ok, no need to make the argument that Stewart can’t hit lefties. Wasn’t part of my reasoning.
  15. It’s probably moot by the time they get to the 7th and are blown out, but I’d like the option.
  16. But that’s predictable and it still doesn’t address my point of being able to use McKenna’s best strength late in a game.
  17. Baumann not looking like a top ten guy.
  18. I understand, but it’s not my point. McKenna was inserted to the DH spot and he’s not a huge upgrade offensively.
  19. Santander played a ball well off the Monstah early in the game, but he didn’t look good there.
  20. Based on what, a dislike of Stewart? You lose out on the defense of McKenna for all he brings to a RISP situation that Stewart doesn’t?
  21. Lol, slacking today, only one hit so far.
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