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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I think that’s right. His defense is nothing to write home about, but it’s serviceable. Love, love, LOVE his approach at the plate. Lil old school bat to ball skills.
  2. So, here’s my mea culpa....after rereading this post I realize it was total misinterpretation on my part. I won’t make excuses, but I have been pulling 14 hour days during ACL. For some reason, I had thought you were promoting the idea Fiers was someone to be lauded. Anyway, my bad and carry on, sir.
  3. Nope. But then, even more reason to question the timeline of his complaint.
  4. I think you’re confusing dates. He pitched for the Astros AFTER the Tigers. Are you saying he wasn’t disgruntled generally? Doesn’t matter, he didn’t have a problem accepting his WS ring. And it took him a year and a half before he said anything. What took him so long? I don’t buy for a second he’s some hero. Bollocks. He was bitter they didn’t sign him and decided after the fact to come forward. He outed the Astros because he had an axe to grind.
  5. I’m not even sure you believe this. Remember the pitcher (drawing a blank) from the Astros outing them for the sign stealing scandal? He didn’t like that they didn’t want to sign him or they released him, can’t remember which. Doesn’t matter, he had an axe to grind. As to the Orioles, why should they have to defend a firing?
  6. So, Gausman will be out of their range at the numbers you quoted, but I think that’s off. He started off hot, but his second half wasn’t as good. In any case, even five years of Gausman gives me pause. Verlander, otoh may be head rather cheaply (I don’t mean cheap) comparatively. It would still be a big splash, but he was still pumping 95 mph FBs before he hit the IL. Scherzer, like Greinke before him (think the FA version signed by the Dodgers) is the only one who makes me covetous. It’s a lot of money for any of them. Whereas Stroman (who I like a lot), can probably be had on a reasonable deal.
  7. So, this exactly. Parse your words carefully, very, very carefully. It remains to be seen.
  8. His handling of pitching has been scrutinized since the Cubs and Prior. He isn’t a whiz tactically. I’ve watched plenty of the ‘Stros this year and I could have them in the same position. They’re good enough to overcome bad tactics.
  9. Eh, don’t understand your first point. You have a link? First I’ve ever heard of that. Second, nope. Finally, huh? How do the Orioles gain an advantage in the one area in which they were dreadfully far behind? Not buying it. Look, I’m not that far off from you in my expectations of where he has them, but I certainly didn’t expect an Astros-style three year turnaround. That wasn’t going to happen.
  10. What is it about his managing you don’t like? I’m not a fan either, but wonder if it’s for the same reasons.
  11. But that’s just it, they didn’t develop (except for the select group at Bowie). And that was vs their own guys. How many guys missed out on development? Rutschman and GrayRod benefited? Those two would probably incease their development throwing a ball against a wall or hitting off a tee. Ok, maybe not. But marginal guys? Or, guys drafted outside of the first three rounds? Nah. I figured people might disagree on that point and it’s arguable, but you of all people! Ok, what about being the only team w/ virtually no presence in Latin America before Elias changed it (alright, team Angelos gave the ok-woo hoo!)? How is that the same? What I’m saying is, Elias-wait-you read the other posts in which I said he needs to get busy? Ok. But otherwise, yes, he was in an unenviable position from the jump. I know, I know-who wouldn’t take a GM job for a ML baseball team? I’m sure it’s not as much a lock as some might think, especially in Baltimore. And don’t undersell being spared from viewing these guys for 100 games. Weren’t they in first for a while? You know, the first 20 games or so.
  12. Care to expound? Regale us with your opinion as to why not.
  13. I hope you’re right, but this is speculative. I also think he’s done what he said and 2020 was both a lost season developmentally and for any expected timeline which I dispute there ever being. However, he’s out of explanations for the continued miserable state of this team.
  14. That’s over-simplifying it. Mullins DID hit like a bum in 2019 ( Not easy to be that bad in only 22 AB), and posted -0.5 WAR in limited action, a -9 OPS+ and 95 last year. That he had the courage to give up something at which he wasn’t good says something about his humility and his work ethic, both positives for a ball player. I, for one, thought he could be a 4th OF type, but only as a left fielder. The arm hasn’t changed and the team would be better served with him in LF. And that’s right, a DFA wouldn’t have been out of the question.
  15. That line looks vaguely familiar. Look, the fact is he probably could have helped. To what degree? Not much, and he gets hit much, much harder in the AL east than in the NL east. Guaranteed. Elias isn’t going to hit on every move he makes, but this is small stuff comparatively.
  16. So, riffing on MMs post, but why do you believe “it’s his intention“? Do you know him personally, so at least your conjecture has a basis in familiarity? I like Elias, but he better get busy and not so much with the comments he makes to MASN bloggers. Time to turn the ship around.
  17. Oh yeah, it happens everywhere, too. My dad was talking with the ushers at an Angels game and he asked what fan base is the most obnoxious. Without hesitation two of them said the RSox fans. One of them said every year, anytime they’re in town there’s more security, but it doesn’t stop them from acting like drunken fools and getting in fights.
  18. Showalter, not Britton. Britton is the next generation Buck.
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