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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. He was cruising along until the 6th, but he still didn’t pitch that bad. His CH looked better than it has his last four or five starts and was mixing it up well. He has to have that pitch or he won’t be successful. But the defense let him down. A fat pitch to Merrifield was the only bad pitch. Alberto looked as if he was playing catch for the first time and Severino thought it would be better to stand two feet behind the plate to receive the ball on a close play. I would have called for Hyde to come and get me at that point.
  2. The final two runs could have been avoided by Hyde not bringing in Bleier.
  3. The easy way out is to finally cut Davis. It’s now reached the point where he’s taking a roster spot from someone more deserving. That and this isn’t Buck’s team, veteranosity isn’t a thing.
  4. The Braves don’t think so.
  5. Maybe the Mets can use Matusz if they’re collecting ex-Orioles pitchers. He’s likely more effective now than Donnie Hart ever was. Well, ok, one season of above average pitching for Hart.
  6. The question is will MANCINI eventually play for them?
  7. I’m tired of the lack of consistency for a guy who has good stuff. He was very fortunate to get out of trouble last night after falling behind to almost every hitter.
  8. And this should be the only thing that matters. Well, not you, the idea the game can get it right. I wouldn’t care if some of those guys impersonating a home plate umpire lost their job over it. Relax, just having a little joke. We all know umpires don’t lose their jobs.
  9. Wojciechowski admitted the same data hasn’t been available to him since coming to Baltimore earlier this month, but he knows the organization’s new front office is working on upgrading the franchise in those areas. Well, that’s a little concerning.
  10. An update.... https://deadspin.com/the-robot-umpire-is-moving-up-in-the-world-1836714020/amp
  11. You have pitch selection? Seemed to me he went away from the CH in a lot of counts when he normally would have used it. I did notice the HR allowed was on one left up, so maybe he didn’t have it working. If he’s not throwing the CH effectively he’s in trouble. His other pitches are below average.
  12. https://deadspin.com/rays-put-pitcher-at-first-base-nearly-destroy-the-tend-1836672460/amp Cora just about lost his mind.
  13. Interesting stuff https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/josh-haders-fastball-is-baseballs-most-mysterious-pitch/amp/
  14. Or, maybe not started him at all. Poor decision by Bundy that affects the team. Sick to death of guys deciding “it’s not that bad, I can just play through it.” Maybe, but you’re a cog in a wheel. Let the manager make that decision. Then, if he starts him it’s his choice and he lives with the circumstances.
  15. https://beta.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/07/10/baseballs-robot-umpires-are-here-you-might-not-even-notice-difference/?outputType=amp
  16. Going to be checked out over the break for bone spurs.
  17. Someone might want to make note of this in the Bundy trade thread. They’re having a hard enough time finding starters as it is.
  18. I wish they’d forget the forgotten man.
  19. Meh, a little public flogging of your pitchers is necessary every now and then.
  20. Yaz, 2-4 tonight with a two run HR (4) vs the Dodgers tonight.
  21. Consider the source. That’s a reach.
  22. I’d say I’ve seen enough, but what other options do they have?
  23. But his average-ish defense is a boon on this team!
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