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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Hall is there for this group, yet according to some here he should be in the BP I’ve traded.
  2. Santander should NOT get 4-5 starts per week. He looks mediocre at best, bellows replacement level otherwise. He looks slower in the OF. Stowers should be an upgrade.
  3. His statements are not immutable law? Good to know.
  4. Santander? He’s been hitting like he’s been hurt the whole season.
  5. Brown thinks he’s doing stand up. Yeah, you’re killing, dude.
  6. That’s a welcomed quick inning. This Cano kid is alright.
  7. Here we go, it’s Brown cultural reference time.
  8. One of the runs charged to Akin is unearned , yea?
  9. Eh, sure, but Akin wasn’t good and Baumann just gave up a bomb to Nevin? Not good.
  10. Well, I guess the pen was due for a bad night?
  11. Did you see him in the second half last year? His numbers were much better along with improved pitch selection (using the slider more). He has starter stuff. Sure, he needs to be more consistent, but it’s early to just give up on him.
  12. Right, Bradish is awful based on that one start, huh?
  13. Mountcastle needs to pull the ball more. Ok, that’s for Frobby.
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