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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Alright, the batted balls chart does show quite a bit out there. I didn’t see that at first look. If he keeps going that way it’ll pay off.
  2. I’m not talking about hits, I mean will he shift his approach the RCF gap or RF wall instead of losing HRs to the LF wall at Camden Yards. The chart shows only one to RCF and another which was kind of a fluke down the RF line. If he tries to drive the ball to right he has plenty enough power to hit HRs there.
  3. He’s a 4A guy. Can they use him? Sure, injuries happen.
  4. Sure, but he has enough power to change his approach and still hit bombs to RCF. Will he?
  5. Exactly this. Mountcastle is utterly replaceable. And the others, including Mateo, are blocking guys who need to be on the ML team.
  6. Pitching. Pitching is what they need. An AS quality SS possibly packaged with a prospect or two may bring them back an ace. Again, pitching. Starting pitching. Because….any potential Gibson had is about five years past due. The other guys? Sure. I’m willing to wait and see, but none of them (including Rodriguez) is an ace. Gibson has never been that.
  7. Yeah, I was in favor of trading him this past off season. Now, he’ll increase his value if he continues hitting and it looks as if he just might after making a couple adjustments. He’s got good bat speed and that helps with his improved pitch recognition. I love the guy, but Baltimore has to adopt a similar operations approach to TB and that means trade him at peak value.
  8. I’m not sure any of the players noted in that post have such issues. Norby, probably needs a little more time and Stowers is LH and hasn’t really been given a shot. A couple prospects and throw in a ML ready guy (Santander or Hays?) depending on needs. The WSox aren’t going anywhere and their front office wants the illusion of upgrading and getting a “haul” to improve their system. Yes, that’s pure speculation, but it could happen.
  9. If they can then the Orioles should be able to pry away Cease from them, too.
  10. Who said anything about a demotion? Are you trying to start something??? What if Bautista reads posts at OH? Felix is my guy!
  11. Was it really down? I mean, I saw 99 and 100.
  12. Like he has with Perez? Again, there’s no reason to keep these guys in defined roles. We know the overall range of performance for relievers in general can fluctuate wildly, but managers insist on having closers and, to a lesser degree, set up men. I’ll say they lose a couple games just based on Hyde staying with him no matter what, like you said, until a melt down.
  13. Akin gets little love here, but his numbers weren’t helped early on in one particular outing where he was cursed with back to back cheap hits only to have Hyde bring in Baker who wasn’t sharp and promptly allowed a walk and a hit scoring two tins that were charged to Akin. Akin has always had a good spin rate on his FB and the slider works, while last night the CH looked good.
  14. That would be unnecessary if not for the insistence of having a “closer”. Baumann, Cano, Baker or even Coulumbe or Akin as lefties should be considered based on high leverage, workload and matchups. If the 8th inning brings the opposition’s 3,4, and 5 hitters I’d rather see my best guy then. If he’s locked into only the 9th that can’t happen. Bautista has struggled with the splitter lately, but he still looks like the guy. A 100 mph FB is a nice thing on which to fall back.
  15. Yeah, that was tongue in cheek. He had me a little nervous.
  16. I liked him last year too, but we all know that relievers are failed starters and can provide some of the biggest swings in performance. Heck, there Orioles got Peres for nothing because he was bad the previous year.
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