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Brooks The Great

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Everything posted by Brooks The Great

  1. Boring ass Frazier is literally the very last guy I would want to hear anything from during a game. They should have just brought back Mike Bordick and made him a guest mic'd up coach.
  2. Come on now, that doesn't negate Mateo being one of the very worst hitters in baseball. He shouldn't be on the roster, and he certainly shouldn't be starting, even in a platoon role.
  3. Not pinch-hitting Mateo with Urias (to bunt) or Santander (to hit straight up) was just as bad or even worse than using Baumann.
  4. If everyone is healthy, no way I trust Gibson to start any games. He's the long man.
  5. The team is going to be sold when Peter Angelos dies. John, his brother, and his mother cannot afford to keep the team after estate taxes hit. As long as PA dies before these players leave in free agency, then new ownership can and will extend them. In my opinion, it's a waste of time to lament how terrible John is as a person and baseball executive because this team will operate much differently under new ownership, and that time will hopefully come within the next few years. Although he certainly is a terrible person and baseball executive.
  6. The smartest move that would show some foresight would be to just DFA Hicks once he comes off the DL. He was reverting back to the same waivers-fodder player that he's been for the past couple seasons before he got hurt, including poor defense in CF. It should be McKenna and Hicks that get sent down and DFA'd, with Mateo not far behind deserving to get DFA'd. But it will be McKenna and Cowser, which is a bad move because Cowser has the talent to be one of this team's best pure hitters before the end of the season, if he'd just be given the chance to get everyday at bats. Which the team has obviously not given to him past his first week or so on the team.
  7. He's more talented than both Frazier and Urias. Hope he starts playing every day soon. Platooning Westburg is bad management by both Elias and Hyde. But they've gotten away with it because this team is so talented. DFA Mateo already, and start getting Westburg in the lineup as much as possible.
  8. I despise Buck. Not only tactically as a manager, but also how he handles the media and never takes accountability for mistakes he clearly makes. His quote about "wearing it" is classic Buck deflection. He's going to get fired again soon after winning Manager of the Year for a whopping 4th time. That says a lot not only about how organizations, players, media, and fans perceive him at first, but also how he then ultimately performs as a manager. Buck is a bad manager, and wildly overrated.
  9. That's a spot-on writeup. Adding Flaherty and Fuji was better than doing nothing. But that's not enough.
  10. Fuji - A- Flaherty - B- Not trading Urias or trading/DFA'ing Mateo to free up playing time for Westburg and Ortiz - D Overall trade deadline grade - C+
  11. Yes. He will indeed be AL MOY. But only because he is managing one of the most talented teams in baseball. The team would have a couple more wins with a better manager, and the team wins despite his poor decision-making.
  12. Also, yes, Hyde is definitely a prisoner of recency. Hicks is not a starting-caliber player on a first division team. He proved that not only througout his entire career - 10 seasons and 3500+ plate appearances - but also this season struggling with the Yankees, producing a AVG/OBP/.OPS line which mirrored his career line. Hicks was so bad with the Yankees that they released him, and the Yankees have a pitiful offense without Aaron Judge. The only reason Hyde has played Hicks while players have been injured is because Hicks had an unsustainable hot streak as soon as he joined the Orioles. That's it. Maybe that and the fact Hicks is a veteran, and Hyde overvalues "experience". You're wrong about Hyde.
  13. Cowser should be playing every day. He's a better talent than Hicks. He hit lefties well this year in the minors. Both Westburg and Cowser helped win the game today - both guys who haven't played as much as they should since coming up, and both guys who are big parts of this team's long-term future. Hyde has managed them poorly and is lucky to have so much talent at his disposal.
  14. I think Hicks is in the beginning of a dreadful slump where he'll become unplayable, and then Hyde will finally start treating him like the 4th OF that Hicks is barely good enough to be in the first place. Hyde is just a prisoner of recency and showing favoritism towards mediocre vets. I want to see a Hays/Cowser/Santander OF every day until Ced comes back. Cowser WILL start to hit eventually. And when he does, he'll be tough for pitchers to get out.
  15. I despise Hyde for how he's handled Westburg and Cowser. And Ortiz when he was up. And Stowers last year. Favoring a washed up vet over a more talented player who's also part of the team's future is terrible management.
  16. Ump squeezed him a couple times, too. Ball 4 to the leadoff batter should have been called a strike.
  17. I'm really hoping the trade deadline works out so that we never have to see Mateo and Frazier regularly in the lineup again. We're probably stuck with Frazier for the rest of the year, but hopefully Mateo gets traded or DFA'd.
  18. I think that's a great guess at the lineup.
  19. I bet you were questioning Adley after his first month in the majors, and Gunnar after his April and May this season. Cowser and Westburg need time to adjust. They'll both be fine, but it may take another few weeks for both. Also, Cowser has never been projected to be a big bopper. What he should - and I believe will - be is a great hitter who's an OBP machine. And the Orioles' future regular leadoff hitter, probably in 2024.
  20. Thanks in advance for the good ole' Roy Reverse Jinx!
  21. Another classic Hangout argument made with no context. Do you know why I say that Law is biased against the Orioles? I'll explain it to you. Because of Law's history of dimissing O's prospects, as well as dismissing the organization under Elias in general before it's become clear that Elias is a great GM and has built a winner from scratch. MLB Pipeline is also too low on Mayo. But, no, I don't think they're biased because they're low on Mayo. They're just too low on him because they're off on their evaluation on him, and late. Law is biased because of his history evaluating the O's. They both got to the same fairly inaccurate and tardy conclusion, but for different reasons. Way to contort my statements into a point that I didn't make.
  22. No one will know for sure, but Mayo has had one of the very best seasons of any prospect - period. He'll be a consensus Top 25 prospect by the time the 2024 lists come out. Law is too late and too low on him.
  23. That's something I'm confident the O's development will help Fabian with, even if it's not this season. Overall I think it's been a great year for Fabian, even if he finishes the season struggling at AA. The A to AA jump is one of the toughest in pro baseball, if not the toughest minor league adjustment.
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