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Everything posted by Jim'sKid26

  1. I worry about the impact of the new LF wall dimensions on Norby's offensive production. Having said that, he has hit where ever he has played. I agree with you that he likely doesn't see much time at 2B with the O's.
  2. As I said, Realmuto may not be a reasonable comp for Adley. I was pointing out that the logic is based on the vast majority of catchers and their drop off after age 30. There are definitely exceptions to every rule. In your view is Adley an except to the existing data? He might be.
  3. Catchers wear down over a long season. There is also a cumulative effect of catching multiple games over multiple seasons. For every Sal Perez there are multiple Matt Wieters. Adley is 25. He will play all of 2024 as a 26 yo. He's a FA in 2028 at age 30. This is why I would not extend him. I know this is not a popular opinion but there are better places to spend money, IMHO, better than buying multiple years beyond age 30 for a catcher. His game is built around his athleticism. I wonder how that will age playing 100+ games per year behind the plate. Here's a pretty good article by Tim Burton from the Athletic that makes a lot of good points. He is focusing on J.T. Realmuto who may or may not be a good comp for Adley. https://theathletic.com/2136719/2020/10/14/jt-realmuto-mets-free-agency/
  4. This is the sign of a very good organization when you have good people poached by other teams. Let's hope Mr. Ciolek has mentored his staff so as to keep the quality prospects coming.
  5. Is there still an interest in Dylan Cease? He did not have quite the year in 2023 he had in 2022 but he's still only 27, (will play all of 2024 at 28) and has 3 straight years of 200+ Ks. He's durable, 3 years of 30 + starter and at least 165 IP, and misses bats (career 10.8 K/9). He's a FA in 2026. To me, he is the Garrett Cole to the Astros equivalent for the O's in 2024. The Pirates got the right-handers Joe Musgrove and Michael Feliz, third baseman Colin Moran and outfielder Jason Martin for Cole. I am terrible at constructing trades, but what would be a fair package to Chicago for Cease?
  6. Connor Norby has a bit of a Jeff Kent feel to me.
  7. As always, @Frobby, you provide an excellent synopsis. I don't think you are Capt. Obvious. I appreciate the clarity and completeness. The bolded part caught my eye. Do you see a player, currently playing, who might potentially fill the "Frank Robinson-like" need for the 2024 O's? Would a guy like Pete Alonso fit that bill? Rumor has it he might be available as the Mets are rebuilding and need to shed payroll. Apparently they have not tendered him an extension and there has been a rather seismic shift in the Mets leadership. Any thoughts on him or others who might satisfy that need? Thanks.
  8. First of all, I said sports psychologist. Not sports psychiatrist. There is a very big difference. Spelling matters. Secondly, I did not use the term, "shrink." That is your word.
  9. So now it's "the truth." It's no longer your opinion? Am I suppose to bow down to your superior grasp of reality and admit that any opinion other than yours is absurd? You have an amazingly inflated opinion of yourself. You go into attack mode when you disagree with someone. Your tendency to use derogatory terms and to name call is frankly offensive. I'm pretty sure you don't even realize how offensive you are on this board. Or maybe you just don't care.
  10. Over react much? When did I say he was "some mental midget that needs therapy...?" Those are your words, not mine. You can disagree if you want, but don't put words in my mouth. That's what bullies do.
  11. So, just to clarify here, what do you mean by "a shrink?" This is generally consider a derogatory term for a mental health professional. If you are concerned about "negative connotations" then your choice of words is interesting. I would also point out that many professional athletes seek the help of a sports psychologist/mental performance specialist/ cognitive coach to address their challenges with the mental side of the game. Generally, this is a rather well respected aspect of professional sports and doesn't carry much of a stigma. This is hardly an absurd (there's that pesky word again) thought. It's actually commonly done throughout baseball.
  12. Ok, let's start with your label of my opinion as being absurd. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's absurd. Your continued tendency to name call and bully on this board is getting really tiresome. You get away with it because you post so much but it is offensive and, IMHO, detrimental to others sharing their opinions on this board. I read your posts and enjoy them for the most part. I think you are very knowledgable about the O's and baseball in general. Why you feel the need to name call and make others feel put upon is completely beyond me. I wish you would stop being a bully. Secondly, everyone can see that, "He just didn't throw enough quality strikes..." The question is why did it happen in game 2 of the ALDS. Is it possible the pressure and his maladaptive response to it caused him to pitch poorly. He's a rookie for goodness sake. He's never pitched in that environment before. Of course the layoff had something to do with it. But the bottom line is other pitchers, (did you see what Pablo Lopez did?) handled their assignments without melting down. It happens. It is a learning experience. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. Tell me you don't agree and tell me why. Don't tell me my opinion is absurd. That's condescending and frankly abusive. No one needs that from you or anyone else.
  13. Yes. The playoffs are just a different beast. The mental side of pitching is very substantial. Ask any pitcher worth his salt. Read this: How the Braves’ Spencer Strider rebuilt his mental approach to become an ace - The Athletic
  14. The evidence is circumstantial. Without Grayson himself stating that he was overwhelmed by the moment (something he would be very unlikely to admit publicly), I'm afraid your desire for "proof" is likely to be unfulfilled. Is it, however infrequent it might be, possible that your personal experiences with big moments might allow a bit of insight into the impact of anxiety, inexperience and overstimulation on performance? If not, so be it.
  15. I'm sorry you are struggling with this concept.
  16. Where is Annie Savoy when you need her, anyway?
  17. Yes. This is a game of performance and results. He didn't get unlucky. He has enormous talent. He couldn't throw strikes. It's a playoff game. Those are the not-so-subtle clues for me.
  18. It might be time to invest in a sports psychologist. The moment was just too big for him and he couldn't self-correct. It was really painful to watch. Multi-million dollar arm.....
  19. 11 walks. They gave that game away. Tuesday is a gut check. Have to go with Gibson in game 3 and then hopefully Kremer in game 4.
  20. https://theathletic.com/4943661/2023/10/08/orioles-alds-game-2-loss/ "At this year’s trade deadline, the Orioles and Rangers were contending teams with solid lineups and questions about the playoff viability of their pitching staffs. One team pushed all its chips to the middle of the poker table days before the deadline. The other hoarded most of its own, unwilling to match the risk, before playing the nickel slots." "The Orioles believe they can win three in a row. They’ve believed in themselves all year. But no matter what ends up happening from here, the message is clear: If they want to compete on baseball’s biggest stage, the Orioles are going to have to make some bigger moves." I think she makes a rather compelling case. Say what you want about the playoffs being a crapshoot, but this team lacks playoff experience and impact players at several key positions. I hope I'm wrong, but I see 3 and out.
  21. John Rhodes went 1 for 5 with a double, 1 run scored and 2 RBI. Woohoo. Go John!
  22. Not sure you want the rookie, a Texas native, to start his first playoff game in Texas. Let him have fun in Texas with all of his family and friends at the game when he's not pitching.
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