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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. Adley has had his share of dropped third strikes to Felix.
  2. Mateo has a knack for extended the 9th this year no matter where he is.
  3. He did get scrod out of free strikes (but then did get a gift call)
  4. Trying to get this thread over 1k posts too, huh? Autobots, roll out!
  5. It going to get weird in the bird bath once things get cold, just sayin.
  6. This is how Brown never returns to the booth. "Well now that this has gotten out, we can't go back out of principle" type of thing.
  7. Get us over 1000 posts Batma -er, I mean- Master Wayne
  8. I agree. Thought she made it clear - to make it clear it wasn't scheduled -- that the August 11 return was suggested and not necessarily a sure thing. At this point, the only thing that gives me hope he returns is they don't want to pay him not to work and they don't want to pay others to fill in when they are paying him. I hope he does return. I hope he stays. I want he and McDonald to do every broadcast. I think many don't realize how good we have it with those two together, but Brown on his own is great.
  9. This story is everywhere. Our clubhouse is aware of this and have their own feelings on ownership, I'm sure. It may not be their business because they have an entirely different job to do, but it's distracting (verb). Whether it becomes a distraction (noun) is another thing. Hopefully not. A loss tonight doesn't make it so.
  10. True, it's been written here, but definitely hits differently when shared on the air among people who used to -- and currently -- work for the team. It's an awfully good, concise primer on why people have the right to buy-in on siding with Brown at this juncture.
  11. It's nearly 11 mins worth of pent-up anecdotes, examples, facts, critique, strong feelings... The first 1 min is particularly noteworthy because of the awkwardness between Brit who felt Rob was doubting her publicly which she pressed him on forcing him to explain himself before they could move on to the meat of it all. Worth a listen if you haven't had enough of this yet.
  12. I actually recall now Newman, Palmer and Arnold joking about "shirts" earlier this year on air. Didn't mean anything to me at the time, but there was about 30 seconds of banter from the booth with Newman patched in later in a game, on the road (I think), about if she had enough shirts for the guys. Maybe I am mistaken and now we all get to ponder the meaning behind innocuous patter, but -- laughingly -- the three were making sure someone had the shirts for them all next time. I could be wrong. Isn't this great! Guh.
  13. LOL. Yeah. Turns out that emulating your look after the broadcaster had a net negative impact on my "luck" in highschool.
  14. I had to look up why Jon Miller was let go since it happened while I was distracted by life at the time and it eventually led me to this clip - from Miller just 5 months ago. I guess he never stood a chance here: An irritated Jon Miller goes on a rant about the “bush league” Diamondbacks by u/meatintubef0rm in baseball
  15. I'm on the cusp of both and agree. Miller was the sound of baseball to be when my fandom was galvanized. Then he disappeared while I was distracted by girls, summer jobs, etc. Never knew why and time passes. I loved Gary. Guess I like the voice and cadence of both he and Miller as much as the content. Brown falls in with those two in that way to me... He sounds the part PLUS I like the content and what others have been critical of I don't get bothered with. I don't want to lose Brown. He adds so much value to my time spent watching from here. Good ones are not everywhere.
  16. The bigger this gets, the less likely it seems a possibility. I know of the 8/11 date but I'll believe it when I see it. I'm out of market so I figure the game will be blacked out or on Apple TV anyway.
  17. So stupid. Brown is part of our A team. He's a pro and if you don't think he's our best option on any given night, listen to the other team's TV broadcast and you'll hear how lucky we've been. There's got to be more to this, like an internal warning about process or some other operational BS, but I hate the fact that this is a thing. Jebus save us.
  18. Couldn't watch the game... How did he do?
  19. Hyde included Cowser in his reaction, post game, to that Austin Hayes catch in Toronto. He said something like "at first I was wondering where Cowser was, then out of nowhere here comes..." I re-watched the highlight wondering if Cowser in CF should've had a better shot at it but the OF was shading towards right and the ball was hit between he and Hayes. Cowser was a touch deeper and I don't think he could've gotten there but I'm not sure how his jump was. Maybe Cowser needs this. I'm glad he has his buddies in the clubhouse.
  20. The camera cutting to Buck on the railing numerous times were my kid's favorite part of the game last night. (Like this) They didn't have any idea who he was to the Os, but the contemplative seething Buck with the classic head tilt move, where the viewer at home can feel his blood pressure soar... It's like a living meme. I could've used a few more, actually, like when it seemed the Os were piling it on (McCann's steal) but I think the production team must've stopped out of respect.
  21. Hopefully just road rash from sliding across the Dura Trax. Was glad he could catch it and thrilled he didn't have to head first it and rake hands over the crushed stone, but geez... Must not feel great.
  22. If they can't take their time, I hope they do. I can't recall if this is an aggravation relating to the last injury but he seemed to come back quickly... Too quickly, perhaps. How can we get other guys rested right now but back in time to get a groove on in late September?
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