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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. I actually watched it a sec ago because I didn't see that game but have noted over time his weakness out there and reaction. Plenty of examples (too many?!) where he isn't jawing with the ump. In this case he does shake his head at the umpire and was clearly in disagreement with his call. Here is the graphic: Here is the pitch: He's fine. Watching it live it was the right call (a strike), but Gunnar is no villain or remotely embarrassing with his conduct.
  2. Something I noticed by watching the Yankee's broadcast's "highlights" from game 1 and 2... MASN's selectivity around what they put on camera made our dugout to be entirely stoic throughout. That's not entirely true. There are some shots of guys like Ohearn (and other trainers/coaches) yelling towards the field. Hard to see what they were saying or who they were shouting to. At the time it was happening it seemed like 100% of the players were unfazed, which wasn't the case. Overall, they seemed to be more calm than Verdugo certainly.
  3. With the amount of video information available immediately following at-bats, and the number of times Gunnar has looked peeved about called strikes outside, I have a hard time feeling like he's upset at anyone other than himself. I interpret his demeanor as a frustration with himself for not sufficiently protecting. Either way, he's the type of special talent that will fix it in his game soon enough.
  4. I like how we are having success against Clay Holmes. Past two games he has pitched 2 innings and given up 4 hits, 3 earned runs and a homer. It's nice knowing later on in the season they have been able to extend his innings.
  5. What's more - in the head to head matchup this year: Yankees have now hit 7 Orioles compared to 3 Yankees being hit by Orioles. Surprised more is not made about their catcher kicking Cowser's bat at him and then being totally chill a second later. What a maroon.
  6. They better stay out of our National Anthem...
  7. Uni-watch has been covering the ads on sleeves bit for a while. Here's an editorial for those who care to read it: https://uni-watch.com/2023/09/23/baseball-uni-ads-threat-or-menace-oh-yes-he-went-there/?utm_source=post_related As for our recent patch, here's their article: https://uni-watch.com/2024/06/10/baltimore-orioles-add-sleeve-ad/
  8. Love how aggressive Cowser is in the outfield and around the bases. Happy to see him more than earning his keep.
  9. I don't think that's true. The empty sleeve right now is the one facing the camera where this patch will go. TV is the point, is it not?
  10. Guess it was too much to ask for them to: 1. Never get one. 2. Whoever got their first to at least join Os branding - if even for the one use case. In my mind, that spot is pretty much always reserved for Weaver's number.
  11. Jansen's move tracks with the type of gamesmanship Toronto practices... Can't get the runner? Step on the batter's back foot, wherever they are, and put the ball on the ground. Glad it was used now and not in a meaningful game. They should've save it for later.
  12. The Rockies did a good job, I'd say, with their outfield upper deck nightclub, but it fits in with Denver's overall vibe of industrial bars in that area. Or could be that I went to Rockies games as an Oriole fan who already knows our ballpark is the best experience you can have -- so go ahead and do whatever you want elsewhere. I would not want to see the upper decks in Camden Yards sacrificed in the same way.
  13. Could be about the results skewing one way among the many segments within those the Orioles have an email address for, but this could also be a way to let people feel heard while plans move forward anyway. We'll never know, and maybe it's the cynic in me. Do whatever you want in the warehouse. Do whatever you want to some of the club level. I guess what makes Camden Yards so special is that it feels timeless. Updating to match the times is a surefire way to outdated the experience.
  14. Just received, and submitted, my survey from the team. I have to say, watching broadcasts of other stadiums, I really hope we don't go the route of turning the field level and home plate area into some business class dine-in movie theatre experience where you are stuck watching people getting served their meals during the action. The greenscreen adverts around home plate causing player silhouettes in most of these stadiums is bad enough, but staring at servers delivering a can of beer over both shoulders of the umpire or seeing people in polos at hightops at eye level of the pitches is the worst. Their gameday experience is probably great - and that is what matters in the end I suppose - but it feels like watching people waiting for flights in a newly renovated airport concourse. It's just not the relatable environment/charm I have come to love when watching or attending. Less is more. Upgrade the scoreboard where it is. Upgrade the PA system. Upgrade the TVs in the concourses. Make the seats a bit more comfortable. The rest of the stuff feels like corporate benefits so many of us won't take advantage of but will be stuck watching. /end rant>
  15. Take that you salty dorks
  16. I know many in the org like McKenna, but I just never saw the defense. Do the metrics show he can play all 3? It's a popular refrain that he can, but it feels like every game I watched him play he never came close to instilling even moderate confidence. He looked like Ohearn out there to me, not someone who should be a late-innings defensive replacement. I'm not alone, right?
  17. FWIW, Kremer didn't know it was blown (according to post-game interview). Either that or he's a level 20 diplomat.
  18. I must admit, by the time it got to the corner it seemed just out of view to my seats. Thanks. Seattle used all fields to stay in the one. Guess his diving catch was redemption.
  19. When he did this in one of his first starts at SS last year I was really surprised by his footwork + speed to field it, find the bag, change his route and still make the throw on time to 1st. It feels like his "signature" or "special move" (for the kids/gamers out there). If Jeter has claim to the jump throw (puked a little bit there -- okay now), it feels like Gunnar may come to be known for this DIY-DP. I wouldn't want to try and break that up. Must be 10x more imposing than sliding into Schoop.
  20. Gunnar made several impressive plays yesterday, from that bare-handed double play, to his signature 6-3 double play he takes to second base himself. He's done that a handful of times in the past year and half and it must be imposing to the baserunner to see the kid sprinting at you. Cowser's catch in right was awesome too. He covered a lot of grass to get there and it seemed he never doubted he'd make the play when he jumped to his right to get there. He was also a part of the Cowser to Mateo to McCann play at the plate. Was a good game to see in person (and then relive through the highlights).
  21. It's painful to watch. I feel like I am in a slump with him. His 4th inning hit from one knee against those salty dorks resulted in this gem: He knows. Have a feeling that if/when he makes it to the other side of this, it'll be a while until we see it again.
  22. Good question... same for me. The SEA series is all TBD.
  23. Figures these salty dorks would be the ones to end it. FWIW: Speaking of least favorite teams... the Brewers have moved from "who cares?" into "I'm watching you" status. But it's still not at all close. Jays in a landslide.
  24. Looks like more than just bad luck on some breaking balls in the dirt. We all would have preferred he get the ball in the air with the bases loaded in extras this weekend, but it's all part of the maturation process. Love me some Cowser.
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