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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. Exactly. I don't care he's not giving more, and it seems between he, Hendo, Westburg, Cowser they've got the right young chemistry behind closed doors.
  2. Gotta say, Adley really delivers on those post game interviews. He's a seasoned veteran when it comes to the cliches.
  3. Where is Frazier? Someone stand next to him... bring your glove.
  4. Where is Frazier? Let's not make something routine look difficult.
  5. So pesky how they've managed to just extend the moment with little hits, passing the baton, until a hard swing is called for. Maybe it's good for the O's to see it and get back to it the extent they can.
  6. This feels like that momen wheret the ball finds Mateo or Frazier and goes under their glove.
  7. And yet his steal of third against the Mets was one of the greatest slides I have ever seen. https://www.mlb.com/video/james-mccann-safe-after-review-x4837
  8. For sure. Would love to know where he ranks in that role vs some others with the same flexible INF role.
  9. Not sure if you are taking that bolded part from the article, but "IBIWISI" (I'll believe it when I see it). I haven't seen anything anyway other than "expected to return." Hope he does and we can move on from this, but given the Os PR approach, "expected" feels like a term with lots of wiggle room. If Brown is quiet tomorrow on social media and/or the Os/MASN social channels don't explicitly say Brown will be there then there should be anxiety leading up to "lights, camera, action" time. I guess we'll see soon enough.
  10. Any chance this is a way to give some rest so he is fresh for the final month+? I'm reaching here.
  11. We can afford to give more. Would be awful nice if he can figure it out and give the lineup a boost for a few weeks.
  12. What was Perez doing with his hands? Animated waving/pointing two times after pitches.
  13. I'll believe it (Brown returns on Friday) when I see it. Or IBIWISI for short. I am trying to get that to stick for a friend. I know the 8/11 date is what was reported as "expected" to happen, but I just find yesterday's dust-up across all channels to be all JA needs to go the nuclear option and double down until KB is no longer here. Hope I am wrong.
  14. I went Brown. Brown gets the edge over Thorne because he is here now and a total pro. I think Thorne is great and I thought he was a perfect match for those winning years he was here. Thorne's solid gold voice and cadence are part of the reason he's one of the best. Brown has very very good pipes but get's negative points for reminding me of Joe Buck (a compliment to any broadcaster, I guess, but not my cup of tea). Brown is distinct enough from Joe Buck, and I have listened enough to Brown, that I can discern his uniqueness. After that, I'd go: Arnold. I like him. Perhaps better on TV than on the radio. Hollander slightly edges out Newman, but both are part of the family, so I am happy to hear their voices. I guess I do notice Newman's description of plays (on the radio) leave me with an unclear picture of what is happening from time to time. Then Garceau. I loved his radio show with Jeremy Conn. I prefer the others when it comes to the broadcasts. McDonald makes every combination twice as good to me. Palmer starts to mumble often times and I can't make out if he is being erudite or... I don't know... snobbish? Maybe not snobbish but I am struggling to find the word that depicts what people love about him that is the same quality that rubs me wrong about his style at times.
  15. I don't see an issue with a dress code for on-air personalities employed by the team. It's one of the easiest forms of branding and way easier than creating a dress code that doesn't include Os gear. Promoting the clothes as a revenue stream feels like a side-effect some may experience - otherwise we'd see less uniformity. I'm not suggesting they aren't motivated by money, but I doubt wearing Os shirts is about selling Os shirts as the top strategy there. Edit: maybe I missed we were discussing radio folks not tv folks, but hey - I am still okay with it. I'd even assume it was consistent no matter what since they represent the team and they are visible to people even if it is just those in and around the broadcasting booth (for radio).
  16. FWIW Someone in the game thread last night mentioned people with signs were not thrown out. Yesterday may have been top 3 least favorite days of this season.
  17. Adley has had his share of dropped third strikes to Felix.
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