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Posts posted by NashLumber

  1. 5 minutes ago, Yossarian said:

    I still can't get over the views over the centerfield fence with the Clemente Bridge and the Pittsburgh Skyline.   This is a great ball park. 

    I was there the year it opened. I just could not believe how amazing it looked then. It still looks as sparkling and new as it did then. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    If I were a Pirates fan I’d get one of those sweet stovepipe hats. 

    We wore them for two years in high school. I was not crazy about them. Here I am playing 2B my junior year, I think. With my glasses, I look like Kent Tekulve. This is '79. 

    Of course, the only time I get into the paper that year, they call me Mike Johnson (also a guy with glasses), not Jeff Hart, which is my name. I did get listed in the story, ie. with RBI and 2 for 2. 




    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Yossarian said:

    Oh, great!  A soft- throwing lefty on the mound for the Pirates.  I'm predicting a 4-hit shutout for the Pirates.  The O's can't hit guys like this. 

    We'll see how they adjust, but yeah, we've seen this movie before. 

  4. On 4/3/2024 at 11:42 PM, Chavez Ravine said:


    Love this tune. I was a fan of the earlier 1980 version on her Happy Woman Blues album on the Smithsonian label. The Car Wheels version took me awhile to get used to, but then it became my go-to as I don't know where there earlier CD is now! 

    I met her in '91 at a music festival in Asheville and there were only about 10 people there to see her on her stage. Everyone was watching a (then) bigger act at another stage. But I'd loved her self-titled '88 record so much that I had too see her. Was only her and Gurf Morlix. Lucinda and I exchanged addresses and we wrote each other the next year. The letter started as a form letter, but she added a personal bit at the bottom. The next album was "Sweet Old World" and still didn't get her over the hump to what she deserved. It was a long road to get to be a "name", but glad she finally did get the audience she'd sought. 





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  5. 4 hours ago, btdart20 said:

    I thought Bradish had a Wyatt Earp vibe.

    Wow, you're right. I had not seen him at all this year in any photos, etc. But here he is in February tossing some in FL. Weird, though, all last year is was the look of a guy who isn't quite ready to shave yet. 

    But I do think he and Caleb Landry Jones have a striking resemblance. Seems he often plays a scuzzy character like in "Get Out", "Twin Peaks" Season 3 and other dramas and it made me chuckle as Bradish seems a good kid by comparison. 




  6. 4 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I think you are in a tiny minority here.  Most people prefer the CF view.  It’s much easier to tell if a pitch is a ball or a strike and what type of pitch it was.   


    I just thought the window in a window idea would satisfy that, though. And with the batted ball, it's like you're sitting behind home plate and can see where the ball goes w/o a camera angle change that misses the action. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Philip said:


    however, the camera work is really bad too. The camera starts from pitcher’s POV, if there’s contact, by the time the camera switches, the action is mostly over.


    This has been a pet peeve of mine for years. They had it right in the late 60s and early 70s on TV. On YouTube, any replay of the World Series from '69-'71 (the only ones I revisit due to the classic O's lineups then) have the behind the umpire view and you can see where the ball is headed immediately. The behind the pitcher cam is just lazy, and complacent, and not fully illustrative to all that's happening. It needs to be only about 1/3 of the time. If people want it that much, maybe it can be inserted into the bottom or upper right in a picture in picture format. 

  8. On 4/2/2024 at 9:39 AM, DirtyBird said:

    I think riding the motorcycle thru the entire length of the dugout could be a good celebration.

    They could even pop fake wheelies and other such tricks.

    Ramp jumps over sunflower seed buckets. 

  9. On 4/2/2024 at 9:47 AM, ScGO's said:

    I thought this was a shout out to Baltimore dirt bike culture. If that's what this is, I like that a lot

    If it's about the 12 O'Clock boys in Baltimore, I'm onboard, as long as it's not too similar to the KC thing from '14. Maybe find a way to pop a wheelie, Mounty! 🤪

    This was a very interesting and moving documentary. I see similar in my hometown of Durham, but it's older guys, not kids as young as the ones in MD. 


  10. On 3/31/2024 at 10:54 AM, Philip said:

    I remember the Royals doing the same motorcycle thing during their run in 2014-15.

    these things evolve naturally but I hope they’ll come up with something else.

    I posted about that same thing in a game thread last weekend, or whenever the first time it happened. It's way too similar and derivative to the KC thing from the '14 postseason. Of course, most of the current O's were in middle school or younger and maybe were not paying attention then. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Roy Firestone said:

    why do we first pitch swing? We need to get this guy on pitch count...

    Because it's likely the best pitch they're gonna see and in a hittable zone. 

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