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Posts posted by NashLumber

  1. 20 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I've never heard anything bad about Bedard as a teammate.


    I didn't say bad, but he clearly was not like these guys, ie. all fun and lightness. 

    "You probably know him as well as I do," Jamie Burke said.

    How is that possible? Burke was Bedard's "personal" catcher for a while, and I assumed he knew him better than anyone in the clubhouse. Not so. Burke was his impersonal catcher -- he doesn't hang out with him away from the ballpark.

    "I know he goes out and pitches and we work together, but other than that, Erik's Erik," Burke said."


    Orioles pitching coach Leo Mazzone:


    He doesn't have time for meaningless conversation. He doesn't like to play many games."


    • Upvote 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Aglets said:

    Thought this was a thread about Kevin Millar at first and I got pretty confused.


    2nd thought was "has he let himself go a bit?"

    Let's not discuss Billy Ripken or Harold Reynolds. The infield is too crowded already. 

  3. It's something a friend showed me today. It's April of 2011 in Durham. Bulls vs. Norfolk. 

    It's an interactive panorama of sorts. 

    The guy in the kilt and guitar is guitar great Will McFarlane, whom I assume is about to play the Star Spangled Banner. He was a longtime guitarist for Bonnie Raitt and he was in her band during the No Nukes film. 


  4. On 4/25/2024 at 1:14 AM, Roy Firestone said:

    I have to admit.
    I'm an addict.
    I'm an addict not of booze or drugs.
    I'm an addict for baseball ....
    It's still THE game for me and I love almost any team sport.
    But for me, when it's great, it's still the greatest game of them all.
    I hate to say it, but when my team wins ...it's like a hit of crack or coke and I have never and will never try those drugs.
    This one is a better high anyway.
    It's an adrenaline rush for me. It comes from my heart and soul.
    Like the other night in Anaheim I sat transfixed on the game.
    I dont need to look at the silly shell games on a scoreboard, nor hear what the players favorite singer is.. or eat a lot of junk, but I DO have to have my bag of peanuts.
    The Orioles were clinging to a one run lead, when, with the bases loaded, Mike Trout stepped up to the plate...a single and the game is tied...an extra base hit and the Orioles lose.
    Our pitcher Craig Kimbrel had to throw a strike to one of the all time greats, and somehow, someway, Trout looked at a third strike and the Orioles won.
    I lept into the air as if I had a million dollars on the game.
    I never bet on sports, but this was a better high than winning any bet anyway.
    Because it is pure and it comes from my deep place of caring when the 'Birds' win.
    Today in Anaheim, another nail biter, the game was in the ninth with two out and a runner on first. Suddenly the runner broke for second and catcher James McCann threw a strike to second base.
    Gunnar Henderson covering, made the tag and the ump called the runner out.
    And the game ended that way. Bang Bang.
    Personally I thought it was a blown call, but after review the call was upheld and the Orioles won another nail biter.
    I dont watch many other games, but every night I hit the crack pipe" of baseball.
    It's my addiction.
    I also love watching fantastic performers. Mookie Betts is an electric ballplayer . can do anything at the plate and in the field.
    The Orioles' Henderson is a must see ballplayer like Betts is.
    On Wednesday he hit a home run, a double, a single, drove in 3 runs got hit by a pitch , stole a base and made two game saving plays in the field.
    Baseball is a team sport but it's also watching the brilliant, mesmerizing individual performances. It's watching the best players in the world do what I think is the most difficult thing in sports , hit a baseball, throw a baseball, and field a baseball.
    It's hard to do.
    Anyway,it's still just April and it's a long, long season.
    Bryant Gumble once had a great line about the difference between football and baseball.
    He said "Baseball, is a never ending romance, but football is a one night stand."
    Yep, I'm an addict, a baseball junkie, and I make no apologies for it.
    I'll never go to rehab for my baseball addiction.
    I don't NEED to be cured.
    And I never will be.
    Jim Bouton said it best in "Ball Four" his great book.
    "In all the years you grip a baseball...you suddenly remember, it's really the other way around"

    @Roy Firestone, you don't have an addiction. It's a fever. 

    And the only prescription is "more cowbell!"

    There used to be a woman at Ebbets Field with a cowbell, if memory serves. I wonder if that will catch on for Cowser? Maybe this kind of dancing in the dugout could be a supplement to the Hydration Station. 


  5. 15 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    They do, but then the kids outgrew little league and start playing travel ball.

    So you're saying there's a chance?

    But seriously, it was a thing as far back as I remember. And some names like Gwynn, Suzuki, and Bonds choked up at times as needed. 

    But don't take my word for it.

  6. 1 minute ago, survivedc said:

    I mean he can’t be a guess hitter and succeed as much and as quickly as he did in the minors right? He was certainly guessing there tho, no doubt about it.

    I'm not sure if anyone teaches "choke up, cut down on your swing and try to put it in to play" on a 3-2 count anymore. Doesn't seem like it. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, O's84 said:

    Takes it right down the middle in a 3-2 count.  Jeez Holiday.

    I'm overwhelmingly a "keep it positive" kind of guy when I post here, but it's a good thing we're not miked here on OH. I just let fly with some choice words of angst. 

    Miked up OH. Now that's a thought. 

    And yeah, that call against Gunnar just now. Flipping riDUNKulous. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    Can they burn Kauffman to the ground after we leave?

    Nice place you have there. I'd hate for something to happen to it. 



    • Haha 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    I can remember a guy winning rookie of the year, and he is now 77 years old.

    That makes me old.

    I remember having his card. I just loved the sound of the word Bumbry.  He and Singleton, and Palmer were my favorites then. 

    I know Ken was not with them B's rookie year, btw. Just talking about the era in general. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Malike said:

    He's probably had that hat for 25 years and with the price of new hats being saved, he can sign Gunnar.

    Reminds me of a line from some comedy or ad. 

    “How do you think a man like me became a man like me?”

    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 1
  11. Mr. Rubenstein needs to get himself a legit Orioles cap. The thing they keep showing him wearing in the stands looks like something you get at O’s Appreciation Day. 

    It probably says “thanks for all you do” on the back. And you get a free hotdog and an extra half hour for lunch. 

  12. 38 minutes ago, justD said:

    Possibly, but during the lean years around 2005-2013, it would absolutely drive me nuts to see the BoSox and the NYY take, and take, and take to use up the starter, while we would flail away.

    I'm kinda taking a liking to this balance they seem to have going - swing early when a guy is known to throw first-pitch strikes, wait for a good pitch to hit otherwise.  

    One other thing is that both Adley and Gunnar were really big on taking pitches when they first came up and had to be retrained to swing more.  Cowser did a lot of looking tonight.  If they can teach em that any close pitch needs to be fouled off if it's not a pitch they're looking for, I'd sure be a lot happier.  (Can you teach that? Or does that only work for guys who can get contact with a ball outside the zone to foul it off?)

     Agreed. I think it all comes down to Ted Williams' philosophy of "get a pitch you can hit". If it's the first pitch (and in so many case, the first pitch is that pitch), then go with it. We see it so many times where the broadcaster will say "(insert pitcher name) was ambushed on that pitch". It means, he threw the best pitch he's gonna see, ie. pitch #1. Taking strike one with someone who is not known for hitting his target basically reduces the equation to "two strikes vs. 4 balls". Doing the same with an ace will be even more disadvantageous.  Getting oneself into a hole puts the pitcher at that distinct advantage and the batter then finds himself swinging or flailing at pitches that are close, rather than one he can barrel up on. 

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