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Posts posted by TommyPickles

  1. Nice to see all these stats.

    I've got to say, it's so much more fun watching a team that is pitching (pretty) well. 2017-2019 were just brutal...

    O's Team ERA and MLB rank:

    2017- 4.97 (27th)

    2018- 5.18 (30th)

    2019- 5.59 (30th)

    Would love to see us stay in the top 15 or so for team ERA all year.

  2. I already gave my definition in the Means thread, but I might as well throw it in here:

    "I think of an 'ace' as a #1 starter who might find himself playing in an All Star game (or several) during his career. A guy who is a top 10 pitcher in his league, year after year."

  3. 6 hours ago, Frobby said:

    What do you define as an ace?   I find different people have very different definitions of this term.   

    To me an ace is a pitcher who is among the top 5-6 pitchers in the league over multiple years.   That’s a pretty tough standard to meet.   

    Some other people just mean that a guy is the best pitcher on his own staff over a couple of years.  


    Yea, I've seen people argue about the definition on here. I guess I'm more in the latter group? I think of an "ace" as a #1 starter who might find himself playing in an All Star game (or several) during his career. A guy who is a top 10 pitcher in his league.

    I know some people are more careful with the title and I respect that. But, to my original point, I actually believe Means has the potential to be a perrenial top 5 pitcher in the AL. I'm more bullish on his career than the those of us who see him settling in as a dependable 2nd or 3rd starter on a winning club. I think he's shown the ability to improve his game (Ex: the development of his change up) and an ability to outperform the prognosticators' expectations of him. 

    -In 2019 he was 8th in the AL in WAR among pitchers (4.8) and he didn't even pitch the whole season.

    -So far this year he's top 3 in the AL in WAR and ERA among pitchers. He's in the top 6 or so in IP and WHIP. 




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  4. The bullpen really hasn't done Lopez any favors. Everyone he leaves on base for them seems to score...

    That said, I'm ready to see Akin back in this rotation and I'm ready to see Lakins Sr. back in this bullpen.  

  5. Garceau is boring to me.

    Palmer talks about himself so so much.

    I like Melanie Newman. I also was really starting to like Ben McDonald last season, though I haven’t heard him this season.

    I miss Gary Thorne more than I thought I would.


  6. 19 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    I think the Yankees acquired him so they have an edge in fights.

    I feel like the Yankees would already be a pretty tough baseball team to beat in a fight.

    Judge and Stanton alone would be terrifying 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Philip said:

    In this thread, nobody has mentioned the fact that he sat Santander and let a raw rookie make his debut against the Yankees. There was zero justification for him sitting Santander, who is just the best player on the team.

    Yea I was confused by this too. Seems like he really had the b-team out there yesterday...

  8. When I heard they had updated our playoff odds from 0.0% to 0.2%, it got me thinking. How many games in a row would the O's have to win right now, before I started seriously believing they could make the playoffs?

    I'm going to say 14.

    If they rattle off 10 in a row to start the season, believe me, I'll be thrilled. But I think pragmatism would still win out. It's a long season, they're going to be trading guys at the deadline, this rotation will wear out, etc.

    After about 14 straight wins, though, I'd start to think: Why Not?

  9. 19 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I’m by no means ready to lump Hays in the Reimold/Hammonds category.    Yes he’s had more than his share of injuries to this point, but I haven’t seen anything constituting a chronic pattern or a particular vulnerability.    So, I’ll wait and see about that.  

    As to this latest hamstring thing, we don’t even know if it will warrant an IL trip yet.   

    As to who will play more games in their career between Hays and Mullins, it’s a good question.   If things broke well for Mullins, I could see him managing to have a Rajai Davis-type career.   Davis had a .690 career OPS and only played 140 games twice, yet still managed to play 1,448 major league games.    Or, the guy could be out of the league in just a few years.    I think Hays has more upside and should play more games if he’s healthy, but I’m not blind to his injury history to this point so we’ll just have to see how that goes.


    Good points. 

    And I'd be pretty excited if Mullins stole 415 bases in his career like Rajai Davis.

  10. Between Hays and Mullins, who is considered to be the better overall defender?

    Just from watching the games, I get the sense that Mullins covers more ground and Hays has a stronger arm. Mullins playing in CF seems to imply he has the edge, but what do you guys think? 

  11. I feel like that was one of the most impressive defensive games I ever seen from Ruiz. At least three nice plays at second and he made it all look effortless.

    Speaking of "effortless" wasn't great watching Franco commit an error at third, then not even run out his groundballs to first... Not a great way to start your first game with a new organization.

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