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Everything posted by yark14

  1. The only logical explanation is that McKenna has dirt on Roch.
  2. Actually Jackson and I are DM'ing right now. After we're done messaging, he's going to go straight to the cage and work on my suggestions about how to time his leg kick better. Talented kid, just needs some guidance.
  3. My childhood was a lie: https://sports.yahoo.com/former-mlb-star-admits-hes-never-seen-iconic-video-in-which-he-starred-141913232.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJMYhynjIFc9_so3LiV6Sx8McP4hBEYQoLoSuEcOtCJYQsGZSqf9v48z1YBGPedv1KrN2NX9fxq6QR8-8fPEd7IGQ7dkgaWMXiiGZDm8XsWBzSfK5Lt6l9_ByjJyQa6Y6gY5spTH9ZwDvGUliMVHLbhPh_Pgb9icWVqtzYXClJ7w
  4. Fantastic point. Everybody is going to be calling for a Means extension after 2-3 starts back in the majors. I'm not concerned one bit about him.
  5. But no reference to the subject of the post. Sorry, just really annoying.
  6. Can we stop with the click-baity titles?
  7. Does the mustache compare as well?
  8. I might have had a bit of undetected sarcasm in my post. I love our prospects, but several are clearly blocked. Also, our player development system is incredible, but even so not 100% of the prospects will be impact major league players.
  9. That's because our prospects are perfect, flawless specimens created in the Elias Laboratory.
  10. I'll take your question seriously when you spell Holliday correctly and use a question mark.
  11. Wheeler is at 101 pitches. Not happening in today's baseball.
  12. But an ace shouldn't fall apart after a couple runs. Learning moment for Ragans.
  13. His stuff is clearly Ace-level. We broke him after a couple runs.
  14. They were a young, confident team...just like we are now. They seemed annoying at the time, but now I get it.
  15. Don't quite understand the hatred towards the Royals. I grew up 2 hours from KC and got to see several Orioles games growing up, including some of Cal's last games. Not a Royals fan per se, but have wonderful memories in Kauffman.
  16. We're going to score 20 runs tonight.
  17. All of the above. Plus Westburg and Cowser.
  18. Spend like a drunken sailor. I want Rubenstein's bank account to be $0 when he passes away.
  19. Mullets are awesome. If you are lucky enough to be born looking almost exactly like Kenny Powers, you have an obligation to uphold it.
  20. It might have been brought up in other places on this board, but his post-game interview was incredible. Truly a grateful man that has worked his tail off to be where he is. I bet he and Yennier Cano can sit for hours and swap stories about how they got to where they are now.
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