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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Just missed me. I was in the second row, aisle.
  2. I thought he was calling for the trainer because he knew he had to dive.
  3. https://twitter.com/Orioles/status/1175224806020714496?s=19
  4. It was? I'm sitting next to the bullpen and saw the hair. My bad.
  5. Harvey with a web gem on an Alberto home run into the bullpen.
  6. Finally, something we agree on. When they announced the "Let The Kids Play" initiative and for the players to have fun and show emotion, was that horrible? Hays made an amazing play. One you don't see every day (unless you watch the MLB highlights.) It's not like he celebrated a routine fly ball.
  7. Yes, Hyde opened the post game presser with it. Seems like they wanted to give him a few extra days, but he didn't rebound by today, so he is done.
  8. Minor details. ? The few times I saw Klimek in Bowie (mainly saw him in Frederick), he seemed to be pitching to contact (like Fry was) and kept the hitters off balance enough where there was a ton of weak contact.
  9. Klimek reminds me a bit of Fry in Bowie. Even when his stuff didn't seem overwhelming, all he did was get guys out.
  10. Depending when the Orioles called him up, he might have been the ONLY outfielder...
  11. Unless Means goes and pitches a perfect game, I believe it will be Mancini. Every game, they give him the most air time, stats, ect He is THE face of the franchise this season, has been putting up good numbers and has taken a leadership role.
  12. As always: Baseball > No Baseball.
  13. Bowie Hitting Coach Keith Bodie and the Orioles parted ways today.
  14. I wonder how many times it happened before 2000?
  15. If Sisco was my boy, he would have been up for adoption years ago.
  16. Well yeah. If they wanted to tank, Sisco would be out there. ?
  17. Without the hat, he looks like the main character from Altered Carbon.
  18. Not entirely sure how much you follow the Independent Leagues that are out currently, but this is what happens now. The Atlantic League seems to be the most scouted by the MLB teams as they have the most "signed and played" over the other leagues. MLB teams will "buy" the contract from the team and give them a bit more for compensation.
  19. Oh, without a doubt. But with that being said, I just wonder if he will get more time as the "super utility" guy now and possibly compete for it next season, unless he is somehow the starting center fielder again.
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